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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

SfK 뉴스레터 - 2022년 11월호


SfK Ministry 2022 November Newsletter
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골로새서 3:17

" 무엇을 하든지 말에나 일에나   예수의 이름으로 하고 그를 힘입어 하나님 아버지께 감사하라."

Is Jesus Just Your Adjective?:
The Problem with “Christian Entrepreneurs”

By Paul Michalski
Article featured in Faith Driven Entrepreneur


“Words are sacred. If you get the right ones in the right order you can nudge the world a little.” (Tom Stoppard)

Words are important and powerful.  After all, God created the universe by speaking, and Satan tried to tempt Jesus by twisting God's word.  Words have the power to build up or tear down.  Words have the power to clarify or confuse.  Tom Stoppard got it right when he said that words are “sacred”:

Words are sacred. If you get the right ones in the right order you can nudge the world a little.

The culture of the world is filled with words that blind us to God’s purpose for work and business.  Even some words and phrases common in the faith and work movement are disordered.  Disordered words that embody the world's priorities rather than Biblical priorities infect our thinking, which ultimately infects our heart. 

Disordered words can shape and distort our very identity and our behavior at work. In some sense, we can become who we say we are, which means we need to be very careful how we describe who we are.  For example, striving to be a "Christian entrepreneur" (or a “Christian businessperson” or "Christian lawyer", or "Christian doctor" or "Christian artist", etc.) is an obstacle to working in alignment with Biblical beliefs, principles and priorities.

The Importance of Primary Identity

It is said that our words become our actions, which become our habits, which become our values, which become our destiny.  You can become who you say you are (or who others say you are), which means we need to be very careful how we describe who we are.

Matthew 6:24 tells us that a person can have only one primary identity (and an organization can have only one ultimate priority):

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.

Although a person can only have one primary identity, they can have many secondary identities, For example, a person can be a Christian, a businessperson, a wife (or husband), a mother (or father), a daughter (or son), all at the same time.

But when push comes to shove, there is one identity they view, consciously or subconsciously, as the primary identity—the one they will protect even if it means sacrificing success in their secondary ones.  Our self-worth and value is wrapped-up in whatever we see as our primary identity.

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  • MB 아카데미 – SfK는 10월 15일에 Post BMT교육시간을 가졌는데 두개의 조직행동 사례를 검토하고 토의하였습니다.

  • MB Fund - SfK는 중앙아시아에 소재한 한 나라에서 선교기업을 경영하는 대표가 천정부지로 치솟는 주택가격과 임대료를 극복할 수 있도록 주택을 구입할 수 있도록 소액을 대출하였습니다.  
  • MB 트레이딩 – Shop4Impact.com은 미국 남가주에서 10월 30일 최초로 오프라인 판매를 실시하였습니다.
  • SfK 네트워크 – SfK Korea 이사회는 새로 합류하시는  분의 이사님을 환영하기 위하여 서울에서 회동하였습니다모든 이사회 멤버들이 합력하여 결집력을 강화해   있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다

다가오는 일정
1. MB 아카데미 – SfK 11 동안 12주차부터 15주차까지에 걸쳐 조직행동론과 마케팅을 주제로 훈련 실시합니다모든 참가자들이 그들이 시작한 경주를 완주할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

2. 2022 11 26: MB 아카데미 – SfK 11 Post BMT 세션 칼리포니아 롱비치 주립대  강수연 교수가 리드하여 마케팅에 관한 Continuing Education 실시합니다이번 교육이 2021 BMT 수료생들의 역량을 강화하는데 유익하도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

3. 2022 11 14: MB 아카데미 – SfK 한국 이주민 선교회에서 이주민 선교” 심화과정에서 BAM 통전적 선교라는 주제로 강의 합니다이번 훈련 세션을 통해 참가자들이 BAM 대한 시각을 올바르게 가질  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

4. MB 아카데미 – SfK MB 아카데미가 지속가능성을 높이고 앞으로의 성장에 대비하기 위하여 리더쉽을 대폭 확대합니다모든 결정이 주님을 기쁘시게 하는 결정이 되도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

5. MB 펀드 – SfK 아시아에 소재한  선교제한국가에 있는 선교기업에 추가투자를 고려하고 있습니다모든 과정이 주님이 기뻐하시는 열매를 맺도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

6. MB 트레이딩 – SfK 온라인전자상거래 플랫폼인 Shop4Impact.com  대하여 중요한 의사결정 연말 이전에 내리려고 합니다관련된 리더쉽이 기도하는 중에 신중한 결정을 내릴  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

7. SfK 네트워크 – 11 중에 SfK Korea 임시 주주총회를 개최하여  분의 신입이사 영입을 결정하게 됩니다아울러 SfK Korea 미국의 SfK Life에서는 각각 정기 이사회를 온라인으로 개최합니다모든 회의가  기업내의 단합과 능력을 강화할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교기업을 훈련하고 역량을 강화하는 SfK 사역을 위해 기도와 후원으로 함께 해주신 여러분께 진심으로 감사를 드립니다.
.   .   .

우리 주님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하사 여러분 주변과 세계에 흩어진 소외된 ,

주님의 지극히 작은 자들에게 보다  복의 근원이 되시기를 기도합니다.

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