SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Thursday, November 9, 2023

SfK 뉴스레터 - 2023년 11월호


시편 136:1

"여호와께 감사하라 그는 선하시며  인자하심이 영원함이로다."

Colonizing Earth with the Life of Heaven:
Creation Care & Mission

Article featured in the April 19, 2022 issue of Business As Mission Blog by Caroline Pomeroy

Last month I visited a lively Anglican church in my local town. It was ‘Mission Sunday’ and to illustrate this to the children, the leader stuck post-it notes onto a giant inflatable globe, each yellow note signifying one of the church’s mission partners. He then asked people to remind him what Mark 16:15 says. ‘Go and evangelise all the people in the world’ was the first response…

These few minutes highlighted two things for me – first, a popular misconception about what the Good News means; and secondly the challenges of doing global mission in a climate crisis.

Good News to All Creation

At the end of Mark’s gospel, Jesus calls the first disciples to ‘… go and preach the good news to all creation.’ Although opinions differ on the exact interpretation of this phrase, a reading of other versions of the Great Commission – and indeed the whole of the bible – implies that there is more to the Good News than just saving human souls. In Matthew 28:19 the disciples are told to ‘… go and make disciples…’. A disciple is someone who loves God and loves their neighbour. So the process of disciple-making must include the practical outworking of loving God and neighbour. But how can we say we love our neighbours if, as a result of the way we live and do business, our global neighbours’ crops are failing due to climate change; our future neighbours’ homes will be under water by the end of the century; and our non-human neighbours’ habitat is disappearing due our demand for palm oil or coffee?

In Genesis chapters 1 and 2, Adam and Eve, made in God’s likeness, are given authority to ‘rule over’ creation on God’s behalf.  But just as Jesus, the Servant King, exercises loving dominion over His kingdom, this first Great Commission in Genesis 1-2 is about dominion, not domination. Humankind is called to serve and preserve the earth and all its creatures, not to dominate and exploit them. 

And so it goes on; my ‘Green Bible’ contains over 2,000 passages printed in green which talk about the environment (land, water, sea, air, crops etc.) and God’s involvement in it. The bible, written by people closely connected to the land, reflects a triangle of relationships between God, humankind and the earth. Those relationships started off well, but at the root of almost all environmental destruction lies human sin, which breaks the triangle of relationships.  ‘The earth dries up and withers, the earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse consumes the earth’ writes the prophet Isaiah (Chapter 24:3-6).

Just as Jesus, the Servant King, exercises loving dominion over His kingdom, this first Great Commission in Genesis 1-2 is about dominion, not domination.

Today many of us live lives largely disconnected from nature, and our lifestyles cause us to dominate the rest of creation. This year’s Earth Overshoot Day is on 19th May, when we will have used up our annual supply of nature’s resources. This is the opposite of good stewardship.

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사역 동정
  • MB 아카데미 – SfK 10  토요일에 BMT 2023 한국어 트랙 계속 실시하였습니다. BMT에서는 현재 조직행동론 마케팅 모듈의 강의를 가르치고 있습니다 훈련과정이 마지막까지 성실하게 실시될  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • MB 아카데미 – SfK MB Connect 10 모임을 온라인으로 실시하였습니다 달에는 방선기 은퇴목사가 일과 이라는 주제로 토의를 인도하였습니다 세션은 수강생들의 열기가 뜨거웠고 동남아시아에서 접근제한국가 중의 하나에서 BAMer 들도 단체로 참여하였습니다공유된 정보가 참가했던 BAMer들에게 실용적인 자료로 사용되도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • MB 아카데미 – SfK 10  2023년도 BAM Field Trip 방문했던 모든 도시에게 풍성한 열매를 맺으며 마칠  있었습니다 여정 동안에 인도하시고 보호해 주신 우리 주님께 찬양을 올려 드립니다시작된 여러 프로젝트들이 착실하게 Follow up 되어서 열매를 맺을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • MB 펀드 - SfK에서는 미국에 이어 한국에서도 SfK 사역에 재정후원을   있는 방법을 확보하였습니다세금공제가 가능한 재정후원을 하시기 원하시면 아래 정보를 이용하시기 바랍니다위디미션국민은행 264401-04-384976 “SfK 후원

  • MB 서비스 – SfK 태국에서 IT 선교연구소 (가칭) 설립하기로 하였습니다 연구소의 주된 활동은  땅에서 하나님의 나라가 진보되도록 돕는 모바일 앱을 개발하는데 촛점  것입니다아울러 SfK MB 커뮤니티에 속한 멤버들에게 IT 서비스를 제공하기도  계획입니다SfK 파견 선교사이자 IT 전문가인 태국주재 김태형 선교사  책임을 맡아 진행할 것입니다 노력이 많은 BAMer들과 선교사들을 돕는 플랫폼이 되도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다. 
다가오는 일정
1. MB 아카데미 – SfK 11월에도 BMT 2023 한국어 트랙을 계속해서 진행합니다. 12 1일에 종료될 예정입니다모든 참가자들이 마지막까지 최선을 다할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

2. MB 아카데미 – SfK 2023 12월에 MB Connect 세션을 “BAMer 영성 이라는 주제로 진행됩니다 강의는 정민영 선교사가 인도해 주십니다정민영 선교사는 Wycliff글로벌 부대표로 섬기다 은퇴하였고 SfK 네트워크의 자문으로 섬기고 있습니다이번 훈련을 통해 참가자들이 자신의 영성을 돌아보고 다시 촛점을 맞추어 2024 사역을 준비할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

3. MB 아카데미 – SfK 창업가 모듈 (Entrepreneurship Module) 개발을 추진  있습니다 노력이 계획한대로 마쳐짐으로써 창업을 계획하고 있는 BAMer들이  모듈을 통해 훈련을 받는 유익을 얻을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

4. MB 커뮤니티 – SfK BAM 필드 트립 2023 진행하면서 MB 커뮤니티의 멤버가  잠재력을 가진 여러명의 BAMer 발굴하였습니다특히 동남아시아에서 접근제한국가  하나에서 많이 발굴되었는데  분들과 지속적인 접촉을 통해 추후 Follow up 해가도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

5. MB 서비스 – SfK Consulting Force BAMer Care Program (BCP) 아직 설립 중에 있습니다 개의 시도하는 바가 적시에 하나님께서 기뻐하시는 열매를 맺을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다 

6. MB 서비스 – SfK Counseling Force MB Connect 포함한 SfK 네트워크에 속한 멤버들  20명에 한하여 심리검진을 제공합니다보다 원만한 관계를 통해 사역을 효과적으로 수행할  있도록 돕는  검진은 백은영 박사 주도하고 에스겔 선교회에서 후원하여 여러분의 상담선교사들과 합력하여 실시됩니다BAMer 가족들이 자신들의 심리 구조를 올바로 이해하고 그들의 고객들을 보다  섬길  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

7. SfK 네트워크 – 미국의 SfK Life SfK Korea 11 중에 각각 이사회를 개최합니다이사회의 결정이 SfK 네트워크에 의미있는 가치를 가져다 주는 가이드라인을 설정하는데 도움을   있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교기업을 훈련하고 역량을 화하는 SfK 사역을 위해

기도와 후원으로 함께 해주신 여러분께 진심으로 감사를 드립니다.
.   .   .

우리 주님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하시사 여러분 주변 세계에 흩어진 소외된 ,

주님의 지극히 작은 자들에게 보다  복의 근원이 되시기를 기도합니다. 

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