SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Sunday, May 10, 2020

May 2020 Newsletter

SfK May 2020 Newsletter

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
(Hebrews 12:1-3)
The following article is a blogpost found on the Business as Mission website.  It comes from the April 24th, 2020 article by João Mordomo  titled, "BAM VS. COVID:  Look Up, Look Back, Look Around and Look Ahead". 
BAM VS. COVID:  Look Up, Look Back, Look Around and Look Ahead
April 24, 2020
João Mordomo

To paraphrase Sun Tzu, we can win every battle if we know our enemy and know ourselves. But what happens when we don’t know our enemy well? COVID-19 is a case in point. The “facts” are slippery and constantly changing. We don’t really “know” what we think we know!
One thing we do know is that we are in a battle against a killer, and it’s real. One way or another, COVID-19 is killing people, jobs and economies. Another thing we know is that BAM is especially well-positioned to help now in the midst of the battle, and help later in the aftermath. How should BAMers respond right now?
On the basis of what we know. BAM can help defeat COVID if we have the right focus, posture and practices
In part one of this two part post, I’ll first talk about our necessary focus. We need to look up to God and look back at history first, and then look around and ahead. In part two I’ll talk about posture and practices and share a few real stories about how Christian entrepreneurs are responding. 
Look Up (to God)
COVID-19 is not a surprise to God. He means to use COVID-19 for the common good, the specific good of His children, and His glory. (See Gen. 50:20 and Rom. 8:28.) And Job, with authority, assures us that God “can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (42:2). (See more thoughts on this here)
Rejoice in this, rest in it, and take action because of it!
Continue reading article >>>
Ministry Updates
1.  SfK ministry programs have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, much like other businesses and ministries. We are reflecting what God is doing through SfK and discerning what He is calling us to do under these circumstances.
Please pray that this process and this time of reflection will lay the foundation for God to do His will in His perfect time.
2.  April 2020 - SfK provided emergency relief grants to several missional businesses in 7 countries, who are members of SfK Missional Business Community (MBC). The grant could be used to cover business cashflow shortages and/or to help the needy in their neighborhoods and surrounding communities. 
Please pray that God will be merciful to them during this challenging time, especially in developing nations.
3.  One of the seven businesses that received an SfK relief grant is a medical transcription business in South Asia.
  • The business fell 80% during the first quarter of 2020, threatening its own cashflow. Nonetheless, this business chose to use the grant to provide foods and life necessities for more than 100 Christian families in poverty in the city it operates.
  • To break through the challenge, God has blessed this business with a way to diversify its client base and the business is getting ready to get a significant new client on board. Praise the Lord! 
  • This business has also initiated to organize a Christian businessmen's association in this nation that ranks very high in the World Christian Persecution Index. We are so blessed and encouraged by this man of bold faith to stand for the Lord with unyielding passion for God and compassion for people. Please pray that God will strengthen their faith and uphold them with His righteous right hand for greater blessings to flow through them.
4. Another business that received an SfK relief grant is an MBC member in Malaysia.  They are able to continue providing employment and income for refugees with the relief grant. The business produced personal protective equipment (PPE) to provide assistance for fighting COVID-19. Please pray for God's provision for expanding their good works.

5.  SfK is accelerating the development of e-Learning modules of its Missional Business Academy (MBA) boot camp training materials. Please pray that this process will help continue to meet the equipping needs of missional businesses. 

Upcoming Events & Prayer Requests
  • May 2020 - SfK Life board meeting SfK Life will hold its quarterly board meeting via conference call, instead of an originally planned in-person meeting.
    Please pray that all discussion and decisions will honor the Lord who is the ultimate CEO of SfK Life. 
  • May 2020 - SfK Korea board meeting SfK Korea will also hold its quarterly board meeting via conference call.
    Please pray that the board members will continue to draw wisdom from God in their deliberation and resolution. 
  • Strategic Discussion SfK Korea continues to explore the possibility of combining and rearranging a few businesses with its ministry partners to focus on their God-given specialties in serving His Kingdom.
    Please pray that all parties may place God's will ahead of any organizational interest. 
  • Joybells America, the US subsidiary of Hesed Global, continues to make progress, despite some delay caused by the COVID-19 disruption, on its initial marketing efforts with the large food retail chain stores in the U.S. Please pray that this effort will bear fruit sooner rather than later. 
Thank you for standing with us through prayer and support in equipping and empowering missional businesses in Asia and Africa so that they may produce a significant Kingdom impact in the lives of people they serve.


May God bless you abundantly with His heavenly riches so that you may become a greater blessing to people in need around you and around the world.
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Saturday, May 9, 2020

뉴스레터 - 2020년 5월호

SfK May 2020 Newsletter

이러므로 우리에게 구름 같이 둘러싼 허다한 증인들이 있으니 모든 무거운 것과 얽매이기 쉬운 죄를 벗어 버리고 인내로써 우리 앞에 당한 경주를 하며
믿음의 주요  온전하게 하시는 이인 예수를 바라보자 그는  앞에 있는 기쁨을 위하여 십자가를 참으사 부끄러움을 개의치 아니하시더니 하나님 보좌 우편에 앉으셨느니라
너희가 피곤하여 낙심하지 않기 위하여 죄인들이 이같이 자기에게 거역한 일을 참으신 이를 생각하라 (히브리서 12:1-3)
The following article is a blogpost found on the Business as Mission website.  It comes from the April 24th, 2020 article by João Mordomo  titled, "BAM VS. COVID:  Look Up, Look Back, Look Around and Look Ahead". 
BAM VS. COVID:  Look Up, Look Back, Look Around and Look Ahead
April 24, 2020
João Mordomo

To paraphrase Sun Tzu, we can win every battle if we know our enemy and know ourselves. But what happens when we don’t know our enemy well? COVID-19 is a case in point. The “facts” are slippery and constantly changing. We don’t really “know” what we think we know!
One thing we do know is that we are in a battle against a killer, and it’s real. One way or another, COVID-19 is killing people, jobs and economies. Another thing we know is that BAM is especially well-positioned to help now in the midst of the battle, and help later in the aftermath. How should BAMers respond right now?
On the basis of what we know. BAM can help defeat COVID if we have the right focus, posture and practices
In part one of this two part post, I’ll first talk about our necessary focus. We need to look up to God and look back at history first, and then look around and ahead. In part two I’ll talk about posture and practices and share a few real stories about how Christian entrepreneurs are responding. 
Look Up (to God)
COVID-19 is not a surprise to God. He means to use COVID-19 for the common good, the specific good of His children, and His glory. (See Gen. 50:20 and Rom. 8:28.) And Job, with authority, assures us that God “can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (42:2). (See more thoughts on this here)
Rejoice in this, rest in it, and take action because of it!
Continue reading article >>>
사역 동정
1.  여러분도 쉽게 짐작할  있듯이, SfK  사역 프로그램도 다른 비즈니스  사역과 마찬가지로 코로나19 바이러스로 인해 잠정적으로 중단되었습니다우리는 하나님께서 SfK 통해 행하셨던 일들을 돌아보며 이러한 상황에서 우리에게 무슨 사역을 하도록 부르시는가를 분별하고  있습니다 이런 성찰의 시간과 분별하는 과정이 하나님께서 그분의 뜻을 완벽한 시간에 이루시도록 준비하는 기초를 다질  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
2. 2020 4 – SfK SfK Missional Business Community (MBC) 회원 중에 7개국가에 있는 선교비즈니스에 긴급 구호 기금을 전달했습니다. 그들은  기금을 선교 사업의 현금흐름에 사용하거나 주변에 COVID-19 타격을 심하게 입은 빈곤층을 도울 것입니다개발도상국가에서 어려운 시간을 보내고 있을 그들에게 하나님께서 풍성한 자비를 베푸시기를 기도해 주시기 바랍니다
3.  다음은 SfK 지원한 7 회사  하나의 이야기입니다.
  • 남아시아에 있는  나라에 소재하여 의료진료기록 대행사업을 하는  선교비즈니스는 COVID-19 때문에2020 1분기의 매출이 전년 동기보다80% 감소하여 자체 현금흐름도 무척 어려운 상황을 당하고 있습니다그럼에도 불구하고  비즈니스는 구호기금을 그들이 영업하고 있는 지역에서 100 이상의 기독교 가정에게 식품과 생활용품을 제공하였습니다.
  •  시국을 극복할  있도록 하나님께서는  사업체에 고객 기반을 다변화할  있도록 축복하셨고  사업체는 사우디 아라비아에 있는 대형 병원을 새로운 고객으로 거의 유치한 상태입니다선하신 주님을 찬양합니다!
  •  사업체는 세계 기독교 박해 지수가 매우 높은 나라에서 소재하고 있는데  기독교 사업가 협회를 조직하고 있습니다.  우리는  형제가 하나님을 향한 끊임없는 열정과 사람들에 대한 긍휼한 마음을 가지고 주님 앞에 담대하게 서서 행하는 믿음을 보면서 많은 축복과 격려를 받았습니다하나님께서 그들의 믿음을 강건하게 하시고 하나님의 의로운 오른손으로 붙잡으셔서 그들을 통하여   축복이 흘러 나가도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다
4.   다른 이야기를 소개합니다말레이시아에 소재한 SfK MBC 멤버는 긴급 구호기금으로 난민에게 일자리와 소득을 계속해서  제공할  있었습니다이어서 사업체는 COVID-19퇴치를 위한 개인보호장비(PPE) 생산할  있었습니다그들의 선한 일을 확장시킬  있도록 하나님께서 지속적인 공급의 손길로 인도해 주시기를 기도해 주시기 바랍니다. 

5.  SfK MBA 기업가 기초훈련 교육 자료의 E-Learning모듈 개발에 박차를 가하고 있습니다 개발과정이 선교 사업체들을 훈련시키는 사역이 지속적으로 이루어 지는데 유익이 되도록  기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

다가오는 일정과 기도제목
  • 2020 5 – SfK Life 이사회 - SfK Life 원래 계획되었던 대면 회의 대신 컨퍼런스 콜을 통해 2사분기 이사회를 개최할 예정입니다. 모든 토론과 결정이 SfK Life 궁극적인  CEO 주님을 영화롭게   있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • 2020 5 – SfK Korea 이사회 - SfK Korea 컨퍼런스 콜을 통해 2사분기 이사회를 개최  예정입니다이사회 이사들이 토의하고 결정하는 모든 과정에서 하나님께 지혜를 구하여 하도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • 전략적 토의 – SfK Korea 중요한 사역 파트너와 함께 몇몇 사업체를 합병하고 재배치하는 전략적 토의를 진행하고 있습니다관여된 비즈니스들이 특화된 전문 분야에서 하나님 나라를 섬길  있도록 초점을 맞추기 위함입니다모든 관계자가 조직의 이익보다 하나님의 뜻을 우선시   있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • Hesed Global 미국 자회사인 Joybelss America 코로나19  인한 지연이 있긴 하지만 미국의 대형 식품 소매체인점들과 초기 마케팅 노력을 계속 추진하고 있고 진척되는 모습이 보입니다이러한 노력이 아름다운 열매를 맺을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교 비즈니스들이 섬기는 많은 분들의  가운데 총체적인 임팩트를 만들어   있도록 이런 선교비즈니스를 훈련하고 역량강화하는 SfK 사역에 기도와 재정지원으로 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다.


다음 뉴스를 보내드릴 때까지 하나님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하셔서 여러분 주변과 세상에 흩어져 있는 많은 소외된 이웃들에게   복의 근원이 되시기를 기도합니다.
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