SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Newsletter - December 2019

SfK Ministries Newsletter
- DECEMBER 2019 -

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!"
(2 Corinthians 9:15)

"I Met God at this School"

2 & 5 Christian Academy is a private school in Kigali, Rwanda,which is managed by Nanuri Limited, a member of SfK Missional Business Community. 2 & 5, representing 2 talents and 5 talents, was started in 2012 by a few missional entrepreneurs with two classes of 37 students. Over the years, the school has continued to grow with additional students joining steadily. There are currently 206 students..

This year, our first group of 20 students have graduated. They performed very well in the Rwandan national exam and have earned a stellar reputation from parents as well as the government authorities.

Although important to meet the expectations of parent and school authorities, what has excited these missional entrepreneurs most was not necessarily the high scores received during the national exam by the graduating students. It was the growth of the children in their faith in the Lord. Their maturing faith was the fruit of their labor and services.

This year, they had a special cause for even greater delight. One graduating child's confession note wrote: "I met God at this school."

Prince Nziza Nkotany is a 12 year old student at 2 & 5 Academy. He comes from a non-believing family, but was introduced to the gospel at this school and received Jesus as his savior and his Lord.

Prince likes Proverbs because he believes that divine wisdom is superior to the knowledge he is learning in the school classrooms. As he was studying Proverbs, he realized that the fear of God is the beginning of the wisdom (Proverbs 9:10), and as he gains wisdom, he has been able to meet and know God. What an amazing confession of faith!

Prince desires to be a medical doctor and help those in need.

As Christmas approaches, Prince's story warms our hearts because it is this very reason Christ became flesh: To save people God has chosen before the foundation of the world in His perfect time.

Jesus was the perfect and most precious gift to us all. When our hearts come to Christ, like Prince, He is delighted and even all angels in heaven rejoice.

Jesus is the reason for the season of Christmas. How can we not give our lives to Him as a living sacrifice as a response to His sacrificial love?

People like Prince are the reason for SfK missional entrepreneurs to continue their efforts in serving people in need through the God-given platform of missional business, trusting that their services please our Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise the Lord! 
Click here to read Prince's full story, 2 & 5 Christian Academy and Nanuri Limited with the related photos
Ministry Updates
1. SfK has completed an equity investment in Srolan Mango Co., Ltdin Cambodia. The incorporation should be completed soon. Please pray that this investment will help scale up the production capacity of dried mangoes in Cambodia.

2. SfK has decided to make an equity Investment in Glen Farm Africa Limited in Arusha, Tanzania. This agricultural business will produce and supply organic and natural fruits and vegetables to the hospitality industry and the ex-pat community. Please pray that this financial investment will help the business to expand to the next level. 

3. SfK Korea board meeting took place on November 19, 2019 (Korea time) Please continue to pray that the board members will maintain its ministry focus to achieve the sustainability and transformation impact.

4. SfK has held several meetings with supporters and prospective ministry partners in New York and New Jersey. Please pray that these meetings will bear fruit that is pleasing to God in His time.

5. SfK has identified a potential partnership with a BAMer serving the North African region effectively for the past 20 years. Please pray that this new found relationship will develop under God's guidance as an effective partnership to produce synergy for His Kingdom.

Upcoming Events & Prayer Requests
  • December 2019:  Follow up Training at Hesed Cambodia - SfK will hold a 4-day training session with the leadership and the local leadership on BAM.
    Please pray that this training coinciding with Hesed Cambodia's annual thanksgiving celebration will demonstrate God to people who do not know Him yet. 
  • Business and Ministry Plan 2020 - SfK is preparing its business and ministry plan for 2020.
    Please pray that the preparation may reflect the will of God properly.
  • February 2020:  SfK will make a trip to Sri Lanka to explore the opportunities to serve.
    Please pray that this trip open spiritual eyes to see the God-prepared opportunities to serve.  
  • February 2020:  SfK will conduct Focused Training with missional businesses in Nepal and a South Asian nation. 
    Please pray that the new training will equip missional businesses to work towards the aligned purpose.  
  • February 2020:  SfK will make a trip to Georgia to discuss with a trained missional entrepreneur about a road map to a new venture under consideration.
    Please pray that the visit will bear fruit that will be helpful.
  • April 2020:  SfK will make a trip to Egypt to discuss with a trained missional entrepreneur about business implementation plans.
    Please pray that this trip will be useful for this entrepreneur in designing a business plan that is transformational. 
  • April 29 - May 3, 2019:  BAM Global Congress 2020 will take place in Jomtien, Thailand. Please click on the logo below to register for this global gathering of BAM practitioners. Please pray that the preparation will go seamlessly and all participants will experience God's calling in business.
Thank you for standing with us through prayer and financial support in equipping and empowering missional businesses throughout Asia and Africa.
May God bless you richly so that you may become a greater blessing to those in need around you and around the world!
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Synergy For the Kingdom Ministry
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뉴스레터 - 2019년 12월호

SfK Ministries Newsletter
- DECEMBER 2019 -

"말할  없는 그의 은사로 말미암아 하나님께 감사하노라!"
(고린도후서 9:15)

"나는 학교에서 하나님을 만났다."

2 & 5 크리스챤 아카데미는 르완다 키갈리에 있는 사립학교입니다.  학교는 SfK Missional Business Community 멤버인 주식회사 Nanuri 관리하고 있습니다. 2 & 5  2달란트와 5달란트를 뜻하는데 2012년에 37명의 학생을 두개의 반으로 나누어 가지고  2명의 선교 사업가에 의해서 시작되었습니다. 지난 7년간 학교는 지속적으로 성장을 했고 지금 현재 206명의 학생이 출석하고 있습니다.
올해는 20명의  졸업생을 배출했습니다.  졸업생들은 르완다에서 실시하는 국가 시험에서 굉장히 좋은 성적을 내었고 부모들과 정부 기관에서도 아주 우호적인 평판을 얻었습니다.
졸업생들이 국가 시험에서 좋은 성적을 얻는 것은 학교 운영자로서 부모들과 학교 당국의 기대에 부등하기 위해서 중요한 것은 사실이지만 이것이 학교를 운영하는 선교적 기업가들의 마음을 설레게 하는 것은 아닙니다. 그들을 가장 설레이게 하는 것은 학생들이 예수님 안에서 신앙이 성장하는 것입니다. 이들의 믿음이 성숙해 가는 것을 보는 것이 선교적 기업가들의 수고와 섬김이 바라는 열매이기 때문입니다.
올해에는 선교 사업가들에게   기쁨을 주는 특별한 일이 있었습니다. 이것은  졸업생이 학교 졸업 앨범에 나는 학교에서 하나님을 만났다.” 라는 고백을  것이었습니다.

Prince Nziza Nkotany  12살이고 믿지 않는 가정에서 태어났습니다. 그러나 Prince  학교에서 복음을 접하게 되었고 예수님을 개인의 구원자요 구주로 영접하고 확신하게 되었습니다.

Prince 성경 중에서 잠언을 좋아하는데  이유는 하나님께로부터 오는 지혜가 학교에서 배우는 지식보다 월등하다는 것을 믿기 때문입니다. Prince 잠언을 공부하면서 하나님을 경외하는 것이 지혜의 근본임을 (잠언 9:10) 깨달아 알게 되었고 지혜를 얻어감에 따라서 여호와 하나님을 만나고 개인적으로   있게 되었습니다. 천진난만한 아이의 놀라운 믿음의 고백이 가히 충격적이라 하지 않을  없습니다.  
Prince 의사가 되어서 궁핍한 사람들을 돕고 싶어합니다.
성자 하나님이 나사렛 예수라는 이름으로 성육신하신 크리스마스를 기다리면서 Prince 이야기는 우리 마음을 따뜻하게 합니다. 왜냐면 Prince같은 사람이 예수님이 성육신하신 바로  이유이기 때문입니다.  창세 전부터 선택하신 Prince 그리고 성도인 우리와 같은 사람들을 하나님의 완벽한 때에 구원하기 위해 성자 하나님께서 인간의 몸으로 성육신하신 것이라는 말입니다.  
예수님은 하나님께서 우리 모두에게 주신 아주 완벽하고 가장 값진 선물입니다. Prince 같이 구원받은 영혼들을   예수님은 물론 너무 기뻐하실 것이고 심지어 하늘에 있는 천사들까지도  기뻐한다고 하나님의 말씀은 기록하고 있습니다
예수님이 바로 크리스마스 계절의 이유십니다예수님의 희생적인 사랑에 대해 감사하는 마음으로 우리의 몸과 삶을 예수님께  제사로 드리는 것은 마땅한 것입니다.  
 많은 Prince 같은 사람들을 보는 것이 SfK 선교 기업가들이 하나님께서 주신 선교적 기업이라는 창구를 통해서 소외된 작은 자들을 오늘도 계속적으로 섬기는 이유이기도 합니다. 그들이 애써 섬기는 노력이 우리 구주 예수 그리스도를 기쁘시게 한다고 굳게 믿기 때문입니다.
우리 주님을 찬양합니다.
Prince의 이야기와 2 & 5 크리스챤 아카데미 그리고 선교기업 주식회사 Nanuri에 대해 사진과 함께 더 알고 싶으신 분은 아래의 링크를 클릭하시기 바랍니다.
사역 동정
1. SfK 캄보디아에 세워지는 Srolan Mango 회사에 주식투자를 완료했습니다. 주식회사 설립은 등기가 마감되는대로 완료될 것입니다.  투자가 캄보디아에서 건망고의 생산 능력을 증가시키는데 유용하게 사용될  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

2. SfK투자위원회는 탄자니아 아루샤에 있는 주식회사 Glen Farm Africa 주식투자를 하기로 결정하였습니다.  농산물 생산 유통 비즈니스는 유기농과 자연농으로 재배된 과일과 채소를 외국인들과 호텔업계에 공급할 계획입니다.  투자가  사업체로 하여금 비즈니스 영역을 다음 단계로 확장해 나갈  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

3. SfK Korea 이사회가 한국 시간으로 11 19일에 있었습니다. 이사회 멤버들이 변혁의 임팩트를 목표로 사역의 포커스를 지속적으로 유지할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다

4. SfK  12월에 뉴욕 뉴저지에 있는 여러명의 후원자들과 잠재적 사역 파트너들과의 미팅을 가졌습니다. 이런 미팅과 만남이 하나님의 때에 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 열매를 맺을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

5. SfK에서는 지난 20년동안 북아프리카 지역에서 효과적으로 많은 열매를 맺으며 섬겨온 BAMer 잠재적 파트너쉽을   있는 기회를 마련하였습니다. 새로 생성된  관계가 하나님의 인도하심으로 더욱 발전되어서 하나님 나라를 위한 시너지를 창출해 나갈  있는 파트너쉽이   있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

다가오는 일정과 기도제목
  • Hesed Cambodia 후속 훈련 프로그램 - SfK에서는 12 중에 Hesed Cambodia에서 이사급 리더쉽과는 앞으로의 경영 전략 회의를 그리고 현지 중간관리자들에게는 BAM훈련을 실시하기 위하여 4일동안의 훈련을 실시할 예정입니다. Hesed Cambodia에서 연차적으로 시행하는 감사 축하 행사와 함께 실시될  훈련이 하나님을 아직 모르는 많은 사람들에게 하나님을 증거할  있는 좋은 기회가   있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • 2020 사업과 사역 계획 – SfK 2020 사업과 사역 계획을 준비하고 있습니다. 12나라에 흩어져 사역하는 17개의 선교사업체들이 하나님의 뜻을 합당하게 반영하는 계획이 나올  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK에서는 2020 2월에 스리랑카에서 어떻게 섬기는 것이 좋을 것인지 조사하는 출장을  계획입니다. 이번 여행이 하나님께서 준비하신 섬김의 기회를   있는 영적인 눈이 띄어지고 그런 기회를 보고 놓치지 않도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK에서는 2020 2월에 네팔과 남아시아의  나라에서 선교적 사업을 위한 Focused Training 실시할 예정입니다. 새로운 훈련 방식을 통해 SfK 선교사업체들을 효과적으로 선발하고 섬길  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK에서는 2020 2월에 코카서스 지방에 있는 조지아라는 나라에 출장을  계획입니다. 이미 SfK BCT훈련을 받은  선교사업가가 새로 구상하고 있는 사업체에 대한 로드맵을 토의하기 위함입니다.  계획된 방문 일정이 유익한 열매를 맺을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK  2020 4월에 이집트로 출장을  계획입니다. SfK MBA BCT 훈련을 받은 선교사업가가 추진하는 비즈니스의 구체적인 계홱을 어떻게 실천해 나갈 것인가에 논의하게 됩니다. 계획된 출장이 변혁을 만들어낼  있는 하나님의 뜻을 반영한 사업계획서를 준비할  있도록 유용한 방문이 되도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • 4 29일부터 5 3일까지 태국 좀티엔에서 BAM Congress 2020 개최될 예정입니다.  국제적인 BAMer모임이 지난 20년동안 하나님께서 BAM 통해 이루신 것들을 돌아보게 하고 앞으로 펼쳐질 계획을 협의하는 역할을  것입니다. 행사에 대한 내용과 등록하는 방법을 보시려면 하단 링크를 클릭하시기 바랍니다.  
아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교 비즈니스들이 그들이 섬기는  가운데 총체적인 임팩트를 만들어   있도록 훈련하고 역량강화하는 SfK 사역에 기도와 재정지원으로 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다. 
다음 뉴스를 보내드릴 때까지 선하시고 신실하신 주님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하셔서 여러분 주변과 세상에 흩어져 있는 많은 소외된 이웃들에게   복의 근원이 되시기를 기도합니다.
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