SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Shop4Impact.com Launched!

On February 22, 2022, Shop4Impact.com was launched! Praise the Lord who has been guiding us to this point! Here is the link to the Launch Video clip. 

Shop4Impact.com is an Online Marketplace where you can make an IMPACT in people and for the KINGDOM of GOD with your SHOPPING.

Shop4Impact, an SfK ministry, sources and sells products only made by missional businesses that seek IMPACT in the lives of people they serve.

I would like to ask that you do one or more of the following actions:


Please visit Shop4Impact.com and make an IMPACT by SHOPPING products that you need. You will give HOPE to people with little hope.


Please share the website with your friends and family. Also, share it on social media. We are on Facebook and Instagram, too. Besides, you may post your prayer in the Prayer Room and invest your friends to be inspired by the stories in the Story Garden.


We would need fellow Kingdom workers in carrying out this enormous program. Become part of the S4I team and the SfK Network. sfkministries.org

Moreover, please pray that the Online Marketplace for Kingdom Impact will receive God's favor in channeling God's LOVE and HOPE to people in many nations.

Blessings in Christ

Jeffrey Lee
CEO - SfK Network

Thursday, February 10, 2022

SfK February 2022 Newsletter


SfK Ministry 2022 February Newsletter
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1 Timothy 4:15-16

"Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers." 
Questions for Self-Evaluation

by Jeff Hostetter and Evan Keller of Creating Jobs, Inc.
 on the The BAM Review Jan. 28, 2022 Blog

As we begin a new year, we are posting some ‘foundational’ material on our biblical foundations for business as mission and how we respond to God’s call in each of our individual lives and circumstances.

Want a tool for 2022 growth? In the tradition of assessing areas of growth in the new year, Jeff and Evan created a set of penetrating self-assessment questions in these various aspects of life: growing spiritually, investing in self, managing God’s gifts, stewarding vocations, and nurturing relationships. 

Self-Evaluation Questions for Intentional Growth in Following Jesus

“…so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God” – Colossians 1:10

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  • SfK MB Academy - The Post BMT 2022 began on January 22 with BMT 2021 graduates. Please pray that this session will help equip and edify each other among the participants.
  • SfK MB Academy - BMT 2022 English Track started on January 29 with 11 participants attending from 5 countries. Please pray that this new training program will generate a lasting impact on these participants. - photo
  • SfK Network - SfK Korea has established a new position of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and Sungsoo Kim, formerly SfK Tanzania CEO, will assume this responsibility. Along with CEO and CIO, he will become a member of SfK Korea's executive committee. Please pray for God's gracious guidance in this new responsibility. 
  • SfK MB Trading - Joybells America, a trading arm, has decided to work with Cconma USA, an e-commerce platform in the U.S., to manage its offline B2B activities. Please pray that this collaboration will bear meaningful fruit in God's eyes. 
  • SfK MB Trading - Shop4Impact.com, SfK's e-commerce platform and community for promoting missional business products held its soft launch in January and it went well. Praise the Lord. As we continue to refine the platform and community, please continue to pray for a harmonious collaboration among people scattered in several nations. 
  • SfK MB Academy - SfK wrote an article about "Migrants and BAM" in Korean for a Christian Diaspora Newspaper.
  • SfK Network - SfK held a two-day Membership Orientation for four membersPlease pray that this formal process will solidify its wholesome member care system.
1. Feb. 22, 2022:
SfK Trading - 
 grand launch.
 Feel free to browse the new site   by clicking HEREPlease pray for God's favor and blessings in the final stage of preparation so that people may participate in advancing God's Kingdom through their responsible purchases.
2. Feb. 19, 2022: SfK MB Academy - A Post BMT session will be held for BMT 2020 graduates to meet with BMT 2021 graduates for a time of fellowship and bonding and to promote synergistic collaborations. Please pray for God's help in building the bonding among them.  
3. Feb 2022: SfK MB Academy - BMT 2022 English will be held every Saturday in two hour sessions throughout the month of February through video lectures and live discussions. Topics will forcus on the themes of Transformation and Strategy. Please pray that all staff and participants may experience effective learning and encouragement.
4. Feb. 2022: SfK MB Fund - SfK will make final decisions on an investment opportunity in a K nation in Central Asia. Please pray that the Investment Committee will draw God's wisdom in their deliberations and decisions.
5. SfK Network -  SfK will hold a follow-up meeting with two BAM enterprises in order to build a collaborative alliance in empowering the BAM ecosystem. Please pray that all parties may witness God's presence and guidance in this journey.
6. Feb. 15, 2022 and Feb. 18, 2022: SfK Network - SfK Korea will hold its quarterly board meeting on February 15, Korea time, and SfK Life will hold its own meeting on February 18, PST. Please pray that these meetings will be inspirational and challenging to all board members.
7. SfK MB Community - SfK plans to narrow the scope of countries where it serves missional businesses so as to expand its reach within the countries it chooses to serve. This process will be finalized during the Q 1 and please pray that we will be under God's guidance during this evaluation and selection process.
Thank you for standing with us through your prayer and financial support in equipping and empowering missional businesses in Asia and Africa.
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May the good and faithful Lord bless you abundantly so that you may become a greater blessing to people in need around you and around the world.
Please consider partnering with SfK to support missional businesses.

SfK 뉴스레터 - 2022년 2월호


SfK Ministry 2022 February Newsletter
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디모데전서 4:15-16

"  모든 일에 전심 전력하여 너의 성숙함을 모든 사람에게 나타나게 하라 네가  자신과 가르침을 살펴  일을 계속하라 이것을 행함으로  자신과 네게 듣는 자를 구원하리라"
Questions for Self-Evaluation

by Jeff Hostetter and Evan Keller of Creating Jobs, Inc.
 on the The BAM Review Jan. 28, 2022 Blog

As we begin a new year, we are posting some ‘foundational’ material on our biblical foundations for business as mission and how we respond to God’s call in each of our individual lives and circumstances.

Want a tool for 2022 growth? In the tradition of assessing areas of growth in the new year, Jeff and Evan created a set of penetrating self-assessment questions in these various aspects of life: growing spiritually, investing in self, managing God’s gifts, stewarding vocations, and nurturing relationships. 

Self-Evaluation Questions for Intentional Growth in Following Jesus

“…so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God” – Colossians 1:10

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사역 동정
  • SfK MB 아카데미 - Post BMT 2022 1 22 BMT 2021 졸업생들과 함께 시작되었습니다 세션을 통해 참가자들이 훈련되고 서로를 건덕할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK MB 아카데미 - BMT 2022 English Track (영어 프로그램) 1 29 5개국 11명의 참가자들과 함께 시작되었습니다 새로운 훈련 프로그램이 참가자들에게 오래 지속되는 영향을 미치도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다 
  • SfK 네트워크 - SfK Korea 행정 담당 대표 (CAO) 새로운 직책을 신설했으며 SfK 탄자니아의  CEO 김성수 대표께서  직책을 맡게 됩니다김성수 CAO CEO, CIO 함께 SfK Korea 경영위원회 위원이 됩니다 새로운 경영구조에 대한 하나님의 은혜로운 인도를 위해 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK MB Trading - Joybells America 오프라인 B2B 활동을 관리하기 위해 미국 전자 상거래 플랫폼인 Cconma USA 협력하기로 결정했습니다 협력이 하나님 보시기에 의미 있는 열매를 맺을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK MB Trading - SfK 전자 상거래 플랫폼이자 선교 사업 제품을 홍보하는 커뮤니티인 Shop4Impact.com 1월에 소프트 런칭 되었으며 순조롭게 진행되었습니다인도하신 주님을 찬양합니다앞으로 플랫폼과 커뮤니티를 보완해 가는 과정 속에서여러 나라에 흩어져서 섬기는 동역자들 사이의 조화로운 협력을 위해 계속 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK MB 아카데미 - SfK 기독교 디아스포라 신문에 한국어로 "이주민과 BAM"이라는 제목의 기사를 기고하였습니다. 3월호에 실리게 됩니다.
  • SfK 네트워크 - SfK는 4명의 회원에게 이틀 간의 회원 오리엔테이션을 진행했습니다. 이 공식적인 절차가 굳건한 회원 관리 시스템을 만들 수 있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
다가오는 일정들
1. 2022년 2월 22일:
SfK Trading - 
 그랜드 오픈.
 선교지 상품의 전자상거래 플랫폼인 Shop4Impact.com 2022 2 22일에 그랜드 런칭할 예정입니다. (웹사이트 바로가기)  책임 있는 구매를 통해 하나님 나라 발전에 동참할  있도록 마지막 준비 단계에서 하나님의 은총과 축복이 함께 하시길 기도해 주시기 바랍니다
2. 2022년 2월 19일: SfK MB Academy - Post BMT 세션이 2 19일에 개최됩니다짝수 달에는 BMT 2021 졸업생과 함께 BMT 2020 졸업생들도 함께 만나 교제를 나누고 유대감을 형성하여 시너지 협력을 추가할 것입니다그들 사이에 유대를 형성할  있도록 하나님의 도우심을 위해 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.  

3. 2022년 2월: SfK MB Academy - BMT 2022 English 2 매주 토요일 영상 강의와 라이브 토론을 통해  세션당 2시간씩 진행됩니다 5주동안은 Transformation  전략이라는 모듈로 훈련이 진행됩니다 섬기는 모든 스태프와 참가자들이 효과적인 학습을 통해 격려를 받을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

4. 2022년 2월: SfK MB Fund - SfK 2월에 중앙아시아 K 투자기회에 대한 최종 결정을 내립니다투자위원회의 심의와 결정 과정에 하나님의 지혜를 구하면서   있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

5. SfK Network -  SfK BAM 생태계의 역량을 강화할  있는 협력적 동맹을 구축하기 위해  BAM 단체와 후속 회의를 2 중에 개최할 예정입니다모든 당사자들이  여정에서 하나님의 임재와 인도하심을 체험할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

6. 2022년 2월 15일, 2022년 2월 18일: SfK Network - SfK Korea 한국 시간으로 2 15 분기 이사회를, SfK Life 2 18일에 각각  이사회를 개최합니다이사회가 모든 이사들에게 영감과 도전이 되도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

7. SfK MB Community - SfK는섬기는 선교 사업 공동체에 속한 국가의 범위를 좁힐 계획입니다섬기는 국가 범위를 축소함으로 선택된 국가에 대한 섬김의 깊이가 확장되고 깊어질 것을 기대합니다.  과정은 첫번째 분기 중에 마무리될 예정입니다의사결정 과정에서 우리가 하나님의 인도 아래 있기를 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교기업을 훈련하고 역량을 강화하는 저희 SfK 사역에 기도와 재정적인 후원으로 함께 동역해 주셔서 감사합니다.

.   .   .

주님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하셔서 여러분의 주변 이웃과  세계 흩어져 있는 많은 소외된 자들에게 여러분이  복의 통로로 사용되시기를 간절히 기도합니다.
Please consider partnering with SfK to support missional businesses.