SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Newsletter - December 2019

SfK Ministries Newsletter
- DECEMBER 2019 -

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!"
(2 Corinthians 9:15)

"I Met God at this School"

2 & 5 Christian Academy is a private school in Kigali, Rwanda,which is managed by Nanuri Limited, a member of SfK Missional Business Community. 2 & 5, representing 2 talents and 5 talents, was started in 2012 by a few missional entrepreneurs with two classes of 37 students. Over the years, the school has continued to grow with additional students joining steadily. There are currently 206 students..

This year, our first group of 20 students have graduated. They performed very well in the Rwandan national exam and have earned a stellar reputation from parents as well as the government authorities.

Although important to meet the expectations of parent and school authorities, what has excited these missional entrepreneurs most was not necessarily the high scores received during the national exam by the graduating students. It was the growth of the children in their faith in the Lord. Their maturing faith was the fruit of their labor and services.

This year, they had a special cause for even greater delight. One graduating child's confession note wrote: "I met God at this school."

Prince Nziza Nkotany is a 12 year old student at 2 & 5 Academy. He comes from a non-believing family, but was introduced to the gospel at this school and received Jesus as his savior and his Lord.

Prince likes Proverbs because he believes that divine wisdom is superior to the knowledge he is learning in the school classrooms. As he was studying Proverbs, he realized that the fear of God is the beginning of the wisdom (Proverbs 9:10), and as he gains wisdom, he has been able to meet and know God. What an amazing confession of faith!

Prince desires to be a medical doctor and help those in need.

As Christmas approaches, Prince's story warms our hearts because it is this very reason Christ became flesh: To save people God has chosen before the foundation of the world in His perfect time.

Jesus was the perfect and most precious gift to us all. When our hearts come to Christ, like Prince, He is delighted and even all angels in heaven rejoice.

Jesus is the reason for the season of Christmas. How can we not give our lives to Him as a living sacrifice as a response to His sacrificial love?

People like Prince are the reason for SfK missional entrepreneurs to continue their efforts in serving people in need through the God-given platform of missional business, trusting that their services please our Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise the Lord! 
Click here to read Prince's full story, 2 & 5 Christian Academy and Nanuri Limited with the related photos
Ministry Updates
1. SfK has completed an equity investment in Srolan Mango Co., Ltdin Cambodia. The incorporation should be completed soon. Please pray that this investment will help scale up the production capacity of dried mangoes in Cambodia.

2. SfK has decided to make an equity Investment in Glen Farm Africa Limited in Arusha, Tanzania. This agricultural business will produce and supply organic and natural fruits and vegetables to the hospitality industry and the ex-pat community. Please pray that this financial investment will help the business to expand to the next level. 

3. SfK Korea board meeting took place on November 19, 2019 (Korea time) Please continue to pray that the board members will maintain its ministry focus to achieve the sustainability and transformation impact.

4. SfK has held several meetings with supporters and prospective ministry partners in New York and New Jersey. Please pray that these meetings will bear fruit that is pleasing to God in His time.

5. SfK has identified a potential partnership with a BAMer serving the North African region effectively for the past 20 years. Please pray that this new found relationship will develop under God's guidance as an effective partnership to produce synergy for His Kingdom.

Upcoming Events & Prayer Requests
  • December 2019:  Follow up Training at Hesed Cambodia - SfK will hold a 4-day training session with the leadership and the local leadership on BAM.
    Please pray that this training coinciding with Hesed Cambodia's annual thanksgiving celebration will demonstrate God to people who do not know Him yet. 
  • Business and Ministry Plan 2020 - SfK is preparing its business and ministry plan for 2020.
    Please pray that the preparation may reflect the will of God properly.
  • February 2020:  SfK will make a trip to Sri Lanka to explore the opportunities to serve.
    Please pray that this trip open spiritual eyes to see the God-prepared opportunities to serve.  
  • February 2020:  SfK will conduct Focused Training with missional businesses in Nepal and a South Asian nation. 
    Please pray that the new training will equip missional businesses to work towards the aligned purpose.  
  • February 2020:  SfK will make a trip to Georgia to discuss with a trained missional entrepreneur about a road map to a new venture under consideration.
    Please pray that the visit will bear fruit that will be helpful.
  • April 2020:  SfK will make a trip to Egypt to discuss with a trained missional entrepreneur about business implementation plans.
    Please pray that this trip will be useful for this entrepreneur in designing a business plan that is transformational. 
  • April 29 - May 3, 2019:  BAM Global Congress 2020 will take place in Jomtien, Thailand. Please click on the logo below to register for this global gathering of BAM practitioners. Please pray that the preparation will go seamlessly and all participants will experience God's calling in business.
Thank you for standing with us through prayer and financial support in equipping and empowering missional businesses throughout Asia and Africa.
May God bless you richly so that you may become a greater blessing to those in need around you and around the world!
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