SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June 2020 Newsletter

SfK June 2020 Newsletter

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake."
(Psalms 23:1-3)
In light of the civil unrest in the U.S., we would like to take a pause and lift up a prayer for our country:
"Oh Lord,
we pray that Your name be lifted high even in the midst of all social unrest and division taking place in the U.S. and around the world. We believe that Your justice will prevail. Please restore social justice and eradicate the racism that divides and destroys our great nation.  It is rooted in hatred and injustice, and we ask you, oh Lord, to heal our country for You are the God of unity. Prince of Peace, give us wisdom and compassion and help us take actions that are necessary to correct the issues in a way that will bring unity, peace and understanding.

In His name, we pray. Amen."
The following article is by Peter K. Greer, President and CEO of Hope International. It was originally posted on Mr. Greer's blog site on June 2, 2020.  
When Not Helping Hurts
June 2, 2020
By Peter K. Greer

The coronavirus pandemic is having a devastating economic impact on people living in global poverty. We are in a moment that requires immediate, full-scale relief.
Such a statement may come as a surprise to those who know me. As head of a Christian organization focused on economic development and microfinance, I have been a vocal critic of indiscriminate charity and long-term handouts. Too often, misapplied relief is like a Band-Aid stuck on a broken bone. Instead, it’s jobs and sustainable development that can make a marked difference in the lives of individuals, families, and even entire communities.
Spending the last 20 years in international development, I’ve seen firsthand how charity efforts have not only failed to help but have caused lasting damage in communities around the globe. Books like Dead AidToxic Charity, and When Helping Hurts have put to paper what the world has experienced when aid has been misapplied.
Yet, over the past few months, even this pro-business, pro-entrepreneur, and pro-sustainability leader has become pro-relief. We’ve seen the coronavirus pandemic wreak havoc across our world—precipitating country-wide lockdowns and sending the global economy into a tailspin. The impact is even more severe among families living in poverty. Many of these families were the least equipped to deal with COVID-19 and have been the most devastated by it.
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Ministry Updates
1.SfK Life board meeting, May 2020 - The SfK Board met via video conference to go over our monthly agenda.

2.SfK Korea board meeting, May 2020 - This board meeting reviewed the operating performance of two businesses in which its holds an equity stake.

3.SfK's emergency relief grant has allowed for many positive outcomes in several countries. Here is another story from Nanuri Ltd. in Rwanda, another member of SfK MB Community. Amidst the COVID pandemic and lock down situation in Rwanda, Nanuri LTD has supplied maize flour, beans, and cooking oils for 538 low-income households (1,891 persons) in 11 churches since March 2020. This was only possible through the relief grant and many generous donors who sent over $12,000 for the last two months.

Nanuri is engaged in operating a medical clinic, a guest house and a Christian academy. Their relief work was based on the following scripture:  ‘The poor you will always have with you and you can help them any time you want.’ (Mark 14:7) Praise the Lord who has put the burden of compassion in their hearts.

4.Karen Huduma in Kenya is another member of the SfK MB Community, operating a travel agency, a guest house, an auto repair shop and a used car sales business. Despite its own severe suffering from the COVID-19 lock down, it shared food supplies with its 40 plus neighbors in need. Please pray that the situation ease and stabilize soon.

5.A consulting arm of SfK Network has begun a new business collaboration relationship with a member of SfK Missional Business Community in a South Asian nation. Please pray that this new venture will be mutually beneficial and synergistic for the Kingdom. 

Upcoming Events & Prayer Requests
  • SfK Missional Business Academy's E-learning session #1 and session 2  are scheduled for early July and late July, respectively. 
    Please pray that these pilot sessions will progress effectively for the missional businesses in remote areas.
  • SfK Korea in-person board meeting is scheduled to take place in August for two days in August.
     Please pray that this planned gathering will gain God's favor and will proceed as planned.
  • SfK Korea will continue to refine the details for the business combination transactions currently under discussion, hopefully completed by the end of August.
    Please pray that the discussion will be edifying and synergistic for His Kingdom.
  • SfK Life is considering a loan to finance the purchase of a building for expansion for a member of SfK Missional Business Community. Please pray that the process will draw godly principles and practices.
Thank you for standing with us in continuing to equip and empower missional businesses in Asia and Africa through prayer and support during this challenging time. You are an encouragement to our ministry.


May the faithful Lord bless you abundantly so that you may become a greater blessing to people in need around you and around the world!
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뉴스레터 - 2020년 6월호

SfK 2020 6월 Newsletter

여호와는 나의 목자시니 내게 부족함이 없으리로다그가 나를 푸른 풀밭에 누이시며  만한  가로 인도하시는도다 영혼을 소생시키시고 자기 이름을 위하여 의의 길로 인도하시는도다. (시편 23:1-3)
미국에서 시작해서 전세계로 확산되고 있는 인권관련 소요사태 관련
주님께 특별 기도를 올려 드립니다.

" 주님미국과  세계적으로 발생하고 있는 사회적 소요사태와 분열 중에서도 주님의 이름이 높이 들리움 받기를 기도합니다주님의 정의가 승리할 것을 믿습니다사회적 정의를 회복시키시고 미국과  민족을 분열시키고 파괴하는 인종차별을 제거해 주시옵소서인종차별은 미움과 불의에 뿌리를 두고 있는 것을 알기에 주님하나가 되게 하시는 하나님미국과 열방을 고쳐 주시옵소서평강의 왕이신 주님우리에게 지혜와 긍휼한 마음을 주셔서 문제점을 고치는데 필요한 조치를 취하게 하시되 화합과평안과 이해를 가져올  있는 방법으로 하게 하옵소서
주님의 이름으로 기도드립니다아멘!"
The following article is by Peter K. Greer, President and CEO of Hope International. It was originally posted on Mr. Greer's blog site on June 2, 2020.  
When Not Helping Hurts
June 2, 2020
By Peter K. Greer

The coronavirus pandemic is having a devastating economic impact on people living in global poverty. We are in a moment that requires immediate, full-scale relief.
Such a statement may come as a surprise to those who know me. As head of a Christian organization focused on economic development and microfinance, I have been a vocal critic of indiscriminate charity and long-term handouts. Too often, misapplied relief is like a Band-Aid stuck on a broken bone. Instead, it’s jobs and sustainable development that can make a marked difference in the lives of individuals, families, and even entire communities.
Spending the last 20 years in international development, I’ve seen firsthand how charity efforts have not only failed to help but have caused lasting damage in communities around the globe. Books like Dead AidToxic Charity, and When Helping Hurts have put to paper what the world has experienced when aid has been misapplied.
Yet, over the past few months, even this pro-business, pro-entrepreneur, and pro-sustainability leader has become pro-relief. We’ve seen the coronavirus pandemic wreak havoc across our world—precipitating country-wide lockdowns and sending the global economy into a tailspin. The impact is even more severe among families living in poverty. Many of these families were the least equipped to deal with COVID-19 and have been the most devastated by it.
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사역 동정
SfK Life 이사회 회의, 2020 5 –  이사회는 대면 이사회로 진행될 예정이었으나 화상 회의로 대체했습니다.   

2. SfK Korea 이사회 회의, 2020 5 –  이사회 회의는 SfK Korea 지분을 보유한  사업체의 운영 성과를 검토했습니다

3. SfK 긴급 구호 기금은 여러 국가에서 고무적인 결과를 낳았습니다르완다에 있는 SfK MB 커뮤니티의  다른 멤버 Nanuri Ltd. 이야기를 소개합니다르완다의 COVID-19팬더믹 사태 가운데 Nanuri Ltd.  3  이후 11  교회에서 538 개의 저소득 가정 (1,891 )에게 옥수수 가루식용유를 제공했습니다이것은 지난 2 개월 동안 SfK 포함한 여러 기부자들이 보내준 미화 $12,000 있었기에 가능했습니다 그들의 구호 활동은 마가복음 14 7 말씀에 기초를 두었습니다. 가난한 자들은 항상 너희와 함께 있으니 아무 때라도 원하는 대로 도울  있거니와. 그들의 마음에 긍휼함을 품게하신 주님을 찬양합니다. 

Nanuri 르완다 수도 키갈리에서 외래진료병원게스트 하우스  기독교 아카데미를 운영하고 있습니다

4. 케냐의 카렌 후두마(Karen Huduma) SfK MB 커뮤니티의  다른 회원으로 여행사게스트 하우스자동차 수리점  중고차 판매 사업을 운영하고 있습니다. COVID-19 인한 도시폐쇄로 자신들의 심각한 어려움 중에서도 불구하고, 40 가정 이상의 이웃에 식량을 공급했습니다. 어려운 상황이 보다 빨리 통제되도록 기도해주십시오.

5. SfK Network 속한 컨설팅 회사는 남아시아 국가의 SfK  MB 커뮤니티 멤버와 새로운 비즈니스 협업을 시작했습니다 새로운 사업이 하나님 나라를 만들어가는데 상호 이익이되고 시너지를 발휘할  있도록 기도해주십시오.

다가오는 일정과 기도 제목
  • SfK Missional Business Academy E- 러닝 세션 # 1  세션 2 각각 7  초와 7  말에 예정되어 있습니다 시도가 특히 오지에서 진행되는 선교 사업가들을 위해 효과적으로 진행될  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  •  SfK Korea  8월에 이틀 동안 대면 이사회 가질 예정입니다.   모임에서는 앞으로의 중장기 전략에 대해 논의가 이루어질 예정입니다 계획된 모임이 하나님의 인도하심을 받아 선한 열매를 맺도록 기도해주시기 바랍니다
  • SfK Korea 현재 논의중인 전략적 사업 합병 거래에 대한 세부 사항을 계속 논의하여  8  말까지 완료할 계획을 가지고 있습니다이런 논의과정이 하나님 나라에 유익하고 시너지를 발휘할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK Life SfK Missional Business Community  속한  멤버의 사업 확대를 위한 건물 매입용 자금 대출을 고려하고 있습니다 과정속에서 하나님의 경건한 원칙과 방법을 이끌어 내도록 기도해주십시오.
 어려운 시기에 기도와 후원을 통해 아시아와 아프리카의 선교 사업들을
지속적으로 훈련하고 역량강화를 하는데 동역해 주셔서 감사합니다
여러분이 저희들 사역에  격려가 됩니다.

신실하신 주님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하여 여러분의 주변과 
세상에 흩어진 많은 소외된 사람들에게   축복이 되시길 바랍니다!
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