SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Sunday, May 9, 2021

SfK May 2021 Newsletter


Synergy for the Kingdom
Daniel 3:17-18
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." 
MAY 2021
What is Success? Advancing Spiritual Impact in BAM: Best of BAM Blog
Article was featured on the Business as Mission 07/30/2019
by Guest Author "Tom"

It is easy to be confused by how success in business as mission (BAM) is defined today from a spiritual perspective.

Once-upon-a-time the core concept of BAM was to have a spiritual impact. The reality that a business needed to be profitable should also have been a given, after all, a business that does not make money can’t survive or, as we say in BAM, cannot be sustainable. Even with this relative simplicity, being able to measure spiritual impact seemed elusive.

Early definitions struggled between Business AS Mission and Business FOR Mission both of which held that a central purpose was spiritual transformation. Early theological debates centered around the secular-sacred divide, could business even be spiritual? There were common perceptions of money and profit, often portrayed as evil and exploitive among Christians, that needed to be overcome. Business AS Mission assumed that when operations aligned with spiritual values, businesses could and would produce spiritual results when driven by the influence of the Holy Spirit. Business FOR Mission simply used the profits of a business to support traditional missional activity.

Today the definition of BAM has expanded to include an emphasis on poverty alleviation and job creation etc., issues that are also popular in the secular social enterprise world. However, one danger we face is that while we are expanding, we might also lose what makes us distinctive, appearing to put less and less emphasis on spirituality or spiritual impact. Yet, without intentional spiritual impact BAM is not any different than any well-meaning secular program.

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 Ministry Updates 
  • BAM Congress Online (April 28-30) was a success! Praise the Lord for His grace. SfK has taken part in the Congress as a sponsor, a participant in a fireside chat, and as a panelist on the Investment Panel. It was a great encouragement to all  who listened to BAM stories, testimonials, biblical reflections, various developments, and above all, God's direct impact on the hearts of people. The following photo explains BAM in 26 letters of the English alphabet A to Z. Please pray that the Congress will gain more momentum as BAM Global Movement.
  • BAM Congress 2021 has introduced a new song titled, "We Seek Your Kingdom," based on the tune of Abide With Me. The song highlights the 24- hour faith in every sphere of life. It was named the BAM Anthem. Please watch and listen to this inspiring song and share it with your friends if you have been equally inspired. Please pray that more BAM practitioners will appear as this song is spread among all peoples around the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lp2mMpSa1E
  • Hesed Cambodia has been adversely affected by the COVID-19. To continue employment, several ministries and churches have stepped up to help. Noteworthy is Retired Pastor Dongho Kim. He has sold 56,000 bags of dried mangos. Jubilee Presbyterian Church in Norristown, PA, and New Jersey Harvest Church in Closter, NJ have also sold Hesed's dried mangos and palm sugar products. We are deeply grateful to God for their help. Please pray that God will help overcome the pandemic soon to mitigate the great adverse impact on people in developing nations. 
  • Joybells America, SfK's B2B marketing platform in the U.S., made a sale to a distribution company in New Jersey. It is still a small step, but a giant stride in terms of making the first inroad into the U.S. market. Please pray that this initial momentum will continue to develop into sustainable demand.
  • SfK MB Academy conducted its fourth Post BMT session in April on the subject of Accounting and Finance.
 Upcoming Events 

1.May 15, 2021: SfK MB Academy Open BMT will be held online from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, Korea time. If you are interested in getting equipped to operate a missional business effectively or know someone who is, please register early, as participants will be limited to 80 slots.

2. May 2021: SfK Korea will hold its board meeting online and SfK Life will hold its in-person board meeting. Please pray that all discussions and decisions will be based on honoring and glorifying God.

3. August 14-November 27, 2021: SfK MB Academy will hold its Online BMT (Business Management Training) 2021Interested participants are encouraged to apply early since the number of participants will be limited to 12. Please pray that the preparation will be made in a way to edify each other. 

4. Republic of Georgia is a nation in Eurasia. Together with a missional business from the Netherlands, SfK is conducting a feasibility study for establishing an animal feed plant. A Georgian man has been retained to help the initial research process. Please pray that this endeavor will bear meaningful fruits. 

5. SfK MB Trading is considering a couple of missional business product lines to be added to its US marketing program. Please pray that the initiative will gain cooperation from all parties concerned to produce synergy for the Kingdom. 

6. SfK MB Fund has decided to make an equity investment in MOI (Moment of Inspiration) Coffee in Cambodia, a member of SfK MB Community. Please pray that this investment will empower the missional business to the next level of seeking a holistic transformational impact. 

7. May 2021: SfK MB Academy will hold its Post BMT to be led by Professor Sunghoon Kim of the University of Sydney on the subject of Organizational BehaviorPlease pray that the continuing training will equip missional entrepreneurs to better lead their businesses.
Thank you for standing with us in equipping and empowering missional businesses throughout Asia and Africa with your prayers and financial support. Your support tremendously encourages us to continually move forward.
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May the Lord bless you abundantly in the midst of this persisting pandemic so that you may become a greater blessing to people in need around you and around the world.
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make a donation
To get the latest BAM news and updates on SfK Ministries, please subscribe below

SfK 뉴스레터 - 2021년 5월호


Synergy for the Kingdom
다니엘 3:17-18

"왕이여 우리가 섬기는 하나님이 계시다면 우리를 맹렬히 타는 풀무불 가운데에서 능히 건져내시겠고 왕의 손에서도 건져내시리이다

그렇게 하지 아니하실지라도 왕이여 우리가 왕의 신들을 섬기지도 아니하고 왕이 세우신  신상에게 절하지도 아니할 줄을 아옵소서"
2021 5월
What is Success? Advancing Spiritual Impact in BAM: Best of BAM Blog
Article was featured on the Business as Mission 07/30/2019
by Guest Author "Tom"

It is easy to be confused by how success in business as mission (BAM) is defined today from a spiritual perspective.

Once-upon-a-time the core concept of BAM was to have a spiritual impact. The reality that a business needed to be profitable should also have been a given, after all, a business that does not make money can’t survive or, as we say in BAM, cannot be sustainable. Even with this relative simplicity, being able to measure spiritual impact seemed elusive.

Early definitions struggled between Business AS Mission and Business FOR Mission both of which held that a central purpose was spiritual transformation. Early theological debates centered around the secular-sacred divide, could business even be spiritual? There were common perceptions of money and profit, often portrayed as evil and exploitive among Christians, that needed to be overcome. Business AS Mission assumed that when operations aligned with spiritual values, businesses could and would produce spiritual results when driven by the influence of the Holy Spirit. Business FOR Mission simply used the profits of a business to support traditional missional activity.

Today the definition of BAM has expanded to include an emphasis on poverty alleviation and job creation etc., issues that are also popular in the secular social enterprise world. However, one danger we face is that while we are expanding, we might also lose what makes us distinctive, appearing to put less and less emphasis on spirituality or spiritual impact. Yet, without intentional spiritual impact BAM is not any different than any well-meaning secular program.

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  • 4 28일부터 30일까지 온라인으로 개최된 BAM Congress  75개국에서 850여명이 참가한 가운데 성공적으로 종료되었습니다 주님의 은혜를 찬양합니다. SfK  Congress 스폰서온라인 주제회의  투자 패널의 패널리스트로 참여했습니다. BAM 이야기간증성경적 성찰다양한 발전과 무엇보다 하나님께서 사람들의 마음속에서 무엇을 어떻게 일하시는지 듣게 해주셔서 참가자 모두에게  격려가 되었습니다다음 사진은 영문 알파벳 A~Z 26 글자로 BAM 설명하고 있습니다BAM 범세계적 움직임으로 BAM Congress 더욱 탄력을 받을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

  • BAM Congress 2021에서 찬양 Abide With Me 번안한 신곡 ‘We Seek Your Kingdom’ 선보였습니다. 노래는 삶의 모든 영역에 대한 24 시간 신앙을 강조합니다. BAM 주제가로 선정되었습니다 노래를 들어 보시고 똑같이 영감을 받으셨다면 다른 친구들에게 전해주시기 바랍니다 찬양이  세계 모든 사람들에게 퍼져 나가면서 BAM 추구하는 사람들이  많이 나타나도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lp2mMpSa1E
  • Hesed Cambodia 캄보디아에서 급속히 확산되는 코로나19 악영향을 심하게 받고 있습니다. Hesed Cambodia 지속적인 고용을 유지하기 위해 여러 사역과 교회가 도왔습니다주목할 점은 은퇴한 김동호 목사님 홍보로 Hesed Cambodia 건망고 5  6  봉지를 팔았고미국의 몇몇 교회에 건망고와 팜슈가 제품을 판매한 것입니다예를 들면 펜실베이니아  노리스 타운의 기쁨의 교회뉴저지  클로스 터의 뉴저지 하베스트 교회 등과 많은 개인들이 있습니다우리는 그들의 도움에 대해 하나님께 깊은 감사를 올려드립니다하나님께서 개발도상국에서 겪는 어려움을 완화하게 위해 빠른 시기에 전염병을 극복할  있도록 도와주시기를 기도해 주시기 바랍니다. 
  • SfK 미국 B2B 마케팅 플랫폼인 Joybells America 뉴저지에 있는 유통 회사에 상품을 판매했습니다아직은 작은 발걸음이지만 미국 시장에  진출한다는 점에서  진전입니다 초기 추진력이 지속 가능한 수요로 계속 발전   있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

  • SfK MB Academy 회계  재무를 주제로 지난 4월에 4 번째 Post BMT(Business Management Training) 세션을 진행했습니다.

 다가오는 일정 

1.SfK MB Academy Open BMT (2021  5  15 ) 한국 시간으로 오전 10 시부  정오까지 온라인으로 진행됩니다선교 사업을 효율적으로 운영하기 위한 준비를 하고 싶으시거나  분야에 대해 관심있는 사람을 아시면 서둘러 등록해 주시기 바랍니다. (참여 인원 80 제한)

2. SfK Korea SfK Life 5 정기이사회를 개최합니다. SfK Korea 온라인으로, SfK Life 대면 이사회로 모일 예정입니다진행될 논의와 결정이 하나님께 영광을 돌리고 주님을 영화롭게하는  기반이 되도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

3. SfK MB Academy 8  14 일부터 11  27 일까지 온라인 BMT (Business Management Training) 2021 개최할 예정입니다참여 인원이 12 명으로 제한되므로 관심이 있으시면 Open BMT 참가하시고 서둘러 신청하시는 것이 좋습니다준비하는 과정 속에서 서로가 화합할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

4. 조지아 공화국 유라시아에있는 국가입니다. SfK 네덜란드의  선교 사업체와 함께 동물 사료 공장 설립을 위한 타당성 조사를 진행하고 있습니다그루지야 사람  분이 초기 조사 과정을 돕기 위해 합류하셨는데 이러한 노력이 의미있는 열매를 맺도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

5. SfK MB Trading 미국 마케팅 프로그램에 추가   가지 선교 사업 제품 라인을 고려하고 있습니다태국말레이시아필리핀 등지에서 생산된 제품들을 테스트해보는  초기 작업이 하나님의 나라를 위한 시너지 효과를 내기 위해 관계된 모든 사람들로부터 협력을 얻도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

6. SfK MB 펀드 SfK MB 커뮤니티 회원인 캄보디아 MOI (Moment of Inspiration) 커피 지분 투자를 결정했습니다 투자를 통해 선교 사업이 전체적인 변화에 미치는 영향을 다음 단계로 끌어 올릴  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

7. SfK MB Academy 주최하는 Post BMT 5월에 조직 행동을 주제로 호주 시드니 대학교 김성훈 교수를 모시고 진행합니다속적인 훈련을 통해 선교 기업가가 맡겨진 사업을   이끌  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교 사업체들을 훈련하고 역량을 강화 하는 저희 SfK 사역에 신실한 기도와 후원으로 함께 동역해 주셔서 감사합니다지금과 같은 시간에 여러분의 지원은 저희에게  격려와 계속 나아갈 원동력이 됩니다.

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계속되는 전염병 팬더믹 시대에도 주님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하셔서 여러분의 주변 이웃과  세계 흩어져 있는 많은 소외된 자들에게 여러분이  복의 통로로 사용되시기를 간절히 기도합니다.

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