SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Monday, January 10, 2022

SfK January 2022 Newsletter


SfK Ministry 2022 January Newsletter
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We at SfK wish you a Blessed New Year in 2022! Despite the ongoing struggles surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, God is good and faithful and His faithfulness endures forever. I pray that you will find hope in His faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22, 23

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
by Amanda Lawson on the Faith Driven Entrepreneur site


I’ve lived in the Midwest my entire life and every year, even though by now I have circled the sun enough to understand seasons, the leaves changing hits like a beautiful surprise. I’ll look out my window at the tree line that serves as our back fence or at the mix of pines and brightly-colored maples and oaks that cover our little college town and be amazed at how this seemingly innocuous, literally natural process can have such a profound impact on my outlook. I recently realized the power of fixing my eyes on beautiful things when—on a particularly frustrating day—I hopped in my car, ready to tell God how annoyed I was by various situations, but caught a glimpse of a cluster of trees that were the perfect blend of fall colors. I stopped mid-lament and simply told the Lord, “Wow. You’re beautiful. Thank you for being beautiful even when life feels like it’s falling apart.” 

It wasn’t a long prayer. It wasn’t sophisticated. I wasn’t—as far as I can tell—staring at the face of God but I caught a brief glimpse of His handiwork. And with Him, even brief glimpses are incredibly powerful. My mood shifted; my circumstances and frustrating situations did not. 

Romans 1:19-20 tell us that what can be known about God is plain to see, that God has shown us; that “His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.” We see His power and awe-inspiring beauty in the things He has made. I think fall leaves in the Midwest are a prime example. 

It’s so easy in our world today to become distracted by our work, by political divisions, by tragedy at home and abroad. We get entrenched in our jobs—even if at first for noble reasons—and at some point down the line, look up to find ourselves in places (physically, mentally, spiritually) where we never thought we’d go. 

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  • SfK MB Academy - We completed its Post BMT 2021 in December. We are grateful for the opportunity to be of service.

  • SfK Network - SfK held a brainstorming session with two other ministries to plan the next steps for 2022.
    Please pray that this initiative will lead to a beneficial alliance.
  • SfK MB Fund - SfK is still in the process of converting its investment equity to a term loan with a missional business in Tanzania. 
  • SfK MB Trading - We are continuing the development work for an e-commerce platform, Shop4Impact.com. The website development is 60% completed; we have issued purchase orders to seven vendors. 
    Please continue to pray for our dependence on God's faithful guidance. 
  • SfK MB Community - We are establishing guidelines to be more strategic about its membership with a narrow focus and a deeper reach. 
    Please pray that this process will be done in an edifying way. 
  • SfK Network - SfK held a two-day Membership Orientation for four membersPlease pray that this formal process will solidify its wholesome member care system.
1. JAN. 19, 2022:  SfK MB ACADEMY
SfK will commence its 16-week BMT 2022 English Track. We have only two spots available. If interested, please use the QR code found on the attached poster to register.

2. JAN. 22, 2022:  SfK MB ACADEMY
SfK will begin its Post BMT 2022 Korean. This program is primarily for BMT 2021 graduates, but will be run with the BMT 2020 graduates to help facilitate collaboration and bonding amongst its members. Please pray that this combined program will help each other.
We are actively developing the SfK Ministries 3-year Strategic Plan and 2022 Business PlanPlease pray that the plans will be challenging but realistic.
SfK is finalizing its Collaboration Agreement with a mission agency to provide a platform for missional entrepreneurs to effectively receive external support. Please pray that this will broaden SfK's service area. 
SfK will write an article on the subjects of "Migrants and BAM" for a Christian Diaspora Newspaper.  
Currently, SfK is reviewing a business plan to decide if it will make an investment in a financing opportunity in a K nation in Central AsiaPlease pray that the Investment Committee will seek godly discernment for the decision. 
Thank you for standing with us through prayer and financial support in equipping and empowering missional businesses in Asia and Africa.

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May the Lord bless you abundantly in 2022 so that you may become a greater blessing to people in need around you and around the world.
Please consider partnering with SfK to support missional businesses.

SfK 뉴스레터 - 2022년 1월호


SfK Ministry 2022년 1월 뉴스레터
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We at SfK wish you a Blessed New Year in 2022! Despite the ongoing struggles surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, God is good and faithful and His faithfulness endures forever. I pray that you will find hope in His faithfulness.
예레미야 애가 3:22,23

여호와의 인자와 긍휼이 무궁하시므로 우리가 진멸되지 아니함이니이다

이것들이 아침마다 새로우니 주의 성실하심이 크시도소이다 
by Amanda Lawson on the Faith Driven Entrepreneur site


I’ve lived in the Midwest my entire life and every year, even though by now I have circled the sun enough to understand seasons, the leaves changing hits like a beautiful surprise. I’ll look out my window at the tree line that serves as our back fence or at the mix of pines and brightly-colored maples and oaks that cover our little college town and be amazed at how this seemingly innocuous, literally natural process can have such a profound impact on my outlook. I recently realized the power of fixing my eyes on beautiful things when—on a particularly frustrating day—I hopped in my car, ready to tell God how annoyed I was by various situations, but caught a glimpse of a cluster of trees that were the perfect blend of fall colors. I stopped mid-lament and simply told the Lord, “Wow. You’re beautiful. Thank you for being beautiful even when life feels like it’s falling apart.” 

It wasn’t a long prayer. It wasn’t sophisticated. I wasn’t—as far as I can tell—staring at the face of God but I caught a brief glimpse of His handiwork. And with Him, even brief glimpses are incredibly powerful. My mood shifted; my circumstances and frustrating situations did not. 

Romans 1:19-20 tell us that what can be known about God is plain to see, that God has shown us; that “His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.” We see His power and awe-inspiring beauty in the things He has made. I think fall leaves in the Midwest are a prime example. 

It’s so easy in our world today to become distracted by our work, by political divisions, by tragedy at home and abroad. We get entrenched in our jobs—even if at first for noble reasons—and at some point down the line, look up to find ourselves in places (physically, mentally, spiritually) where we never thought we’d go. 

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사역 동정
  • SfK MB 아카데미 - 12월에 Post BMT 2021을 마쳤습니다섬길 수 있는 기회를 주신 주님게 감사드립니다.

  • SfK 네트워크 - SfK는 다른 두 단체와 2 3일에 걸쳐 브레인스토밍 세션을 개최하고 다음 단계에 대한 희망적인 결과를 도출할 수 있었습니다이런 우이의 노력이 앞으로 유익한 합력의 관계로 이어지도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK MB 펀드 - SfK는 탄자니아에서 선교 비즈니스가 원활한 사업을 수행하도록 지분투자를 장기대출금으로 전환하는 과정에 있습니다끝까지 잘 진행될 수 있도록 기도 바랍니다
  • SfK MB Trading – 선교기업들의 상품을 위한 전자 상거래 플랫폼 Shop4Impact.com 개발 작업을 계속하고 있습니다현재 웹사이트 개발이 60% 정도 완료되었습니다우리는 7개의 공급업체에 구매 주문서를 발행했습니다하나님의 신실한 인도하심을 의지할 수 있도록 계속해서 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • SfK MB 커뮤니티 - 우리는 심화된 초점을 가지고 깊은 임팩트를 추구하기 위해 멤버십에 대해 보다 전략적인 가이드라인을 새로 수립하고 있습니다
    이 과정이 건덕하는 방식으로 진행되도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

  • SfK 네트워크 - SfK 4명의 회원을 대상으로 이틀 간의 회원 허입에 대한 오리엔테이션을 개최했습니다이 공식적인 절차를 통해 온전한 회원 관리 시스템을 잘 정립할 수 있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
다가오는 일정들
1. 2022년 1월 19일:  SfK MB ACADEMY
SfK 1 29일에 16주간 BMT 2022 영어 트랙을 시작합니다현재 등록 가능 인원은 2명입니다이 훈련의 기회를 이용하도록 주님께서 인도하시는 분이 계시다면 뉴스레터에 포함된 포스터의 QR코드를 통해 등록하시기 바랍니다.

2. 2022년 1월 22일:  SfK MB ACADEMY
SfK 1 22일부터 Post BMT 2022 Korean을 시작합니다이 프로그램은 원칙적으로 BMT 2021 졸업생을 대상으로 진행되지만 부분적으로 BMT 2020 졸업생과 함께 운영하여 유대감과 협력을 강화할 예정입니다이 프로그램이 서로에게 유익이 되도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

3. SfK 네트워크
우리는 SfK 네트워크의 3개년 전략 계획 및 2022 사업 계획을 적극적으로 개발하고 있습니다도전이 되어야 하겠지만 현실가능한 계획을 세울 수 있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

4. SfK 네트워크
SfK는 선교 사업자가 필요한 경우 외부 지원을 효과적으로 받을 수 있는 플랫폼을 제공하기 위해 햔 선교단체와 협약관계를 마무리하고 있습니다이를 통해 SfK의 서비스 영역이 확장될 수 있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

5. SfK MB 아카데미
SfK는 한 기독교 디아스포라 신문에 "이주민과 BAM"이라는 주제에 대한 기사를 기고할 예정입니다 
6. SfK MB 펀드
최근, SfK는 중앙 아시아의 K 국가에서 자금 조달 기회에 투자할지 여부를 최종 결정하기 위해 사업 계획서를 검토하고 있습니다. 투자위원회가 경건한 분별력을 구하며 처리하도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교기업을 훈련하고 역량을 강화하는 저희 SfK 사역에 기도와 재정적인 후원으로 함께 동역해 주셔서 감사합니다.

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2022년도에도 주님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하셔서 여러분의 주변 이웃과 전 세계 흩어져 있는 많은 소외된 자들에게 여러분이 큰 복의 통로로 사용되시기를 간절히 기도합니다.
Please consider partnering with SfK to support missional businesses.