SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Saturday, July 9, 2022

SfK July 2022 Newsletter


SfK Ministry 2022 July Newsletter
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Proverbs 19:3

"People's own foolishness ruins their lives, but in their minds they blame the Lord."

Why God sometimes doesn't allow your plans for your life to work out

By Patrick Mabilog
Christian Today August 20, 2016

One of the biggest causes of individual stress is having to deal with a situation that doesn't go the way you want it to. When you try to close a deal with a client but it falls through, when you plan for a vacation and it doesn't happen, or when you shoot for a career opportunity but it falls flat, we can often get worked up about it.

But there's a reality of life that is simple enough for us to grasp, but never easy to swallow. That reality is the reality that not everything will go our way. You can call it bad luck or "persecution," but you're always going to face a situation that doesn't fit the bill of what you thought should have happened. And that's not always necessarily a bad thing. In fact, many times that's a good thing.

One instance we can learn from Jesus about facing unwanted circumstances is found in Matthew 26:39: "And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will."

What Jesus was basically saying here is, "Father, this really isn't turning out the way I want it to anymore, but it's not about what I want or think but about what you want and think." How do we come through circumstances that do not fall the way we want to? Here's a tip for all of us today: Stop thinking it's about what you want.

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  • MB Academy - SfK held its Post-BMT session on June 18. It is a joy to see BMT graduates bond well with one another.
  • MB Fund - SfK worked closely with a missional business in a Central Asia K nation and is closer to resolving the administrative issues that have been holding up the SfK investment. We expect funding to take place in July. Praise the Lord!
  • MB Fund - SfK increased its investment position in SfK Korea to be the primary investor. This was made possible because of the generous cooperation of another Kingdom investor.
  • MB Trading - Shop4Impact.com, SfK's e-commerce platform promoting products made by eight missional businesses in seven countries, produced its third promotional video. CLICK HERE to watch. Please share it with your friends and family to help expand Kingdom impact. 
  • MB Community - A new criteria established for selecting members in SfK MB Community is being gradually applied. Please pray that this effort will be made in a manner that edifies missional businesses. 
1. Aug. 13, 2022:  MB Academy - SfK will hold its BMT 2022 Korean Track. Applications will be accepted by July 31, and the final roaster will be decided shortly thereafter. To register, use the QR Code to complete your application. Please pray that the program will effectively serve people who need this training for their Kingdom work.

2. July 16, 2022:  MB Academy - SfK will hold its Post-BMT session on the topic of "Good Steward's Financial Management." Please pray that this session will enlighten and equip BAMers with the right attitude toward money, and the firm will necessary for living a responsible life as a good steward of God.
3. AUGUST 2022:  MB Academy - SfK will participate in Mission Naga 2022. SfK will present a lecture on the topic of BAM online. Please pray that this session will inspire and challenge young people in the Nagaland region in India for the Kingdom work through BAM.
4. AUGUST 2022  MB Academy - SfK will hold its first BAM Field Trip to visit missional businesses in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Please pray that both visiting participants and missional business people will be encouraged and inspired.
5. AUGUST 2022 MB Community - SfK will take part in Joseph Project Summit to be held in K nation to help local pastors sustain themselves in their ministries. Please pray that this session will strengthen and encourage each other among all participants.
6. AUGUST 2022 SfK Network - SfK Life will hold its board meeting online, and SfK Korea will hold its board meeting in person. Please pray that these meetings will be held with a renewed spirit each and every time the meetings are held.
Thank you for standing with us through prayer and support in equipping and empowering missional businesses in Asia and Africa!

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May the good and faithful Lord bless you abundantly so that you may become a more incredible blessing for people in need around you and around the world.
Please consider partnering with SfK to support missional businesses.

SfK 뉴스레터 - 2022년 7월호


SfK Ministry 2022 July Newsletter
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잠언 19:3

"사람이 미련하므로 자기 길을 굽게 하고 마음으로 여호와를 원망하느니라."

Why God sometimes doesn't allow your plans for your life to work out

By Patrick Mabilog
Christian Today August 20, 2016

One of the biggest causes of individual stress is having to deal with a situation that doesn't go the way you want it to. When you try to close a deal with a client but it falls through, when you plan for a vacation and it doesn't happen, or when you shoot for a career opportunity but it falls flat, we can often get worked up about it.

But there's a reality of life that is simple enough for us to grasp, but never easy to swallow. That reality is the reality that not everything will go our way. You can call it bad luck or "persecution," but you're always going to face a situation that doesn't fit the bill of what you thought should have happened. And that's not always necessarily a bad thing. In fact, many times that's a good thing.

One instance we can learn from Jesus about facing unwanted circumstances is found in Matthew 26:39: "And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will."

What Jesus was basically saying here is, "Father, this really isn't turning out the way I want it to anymore, but it's not about what I want or think but about what you want and think." How do we come through circumstances that do not fall the way we want to? Here's a tip for all of us today: Stop thinking it's about what you want.

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  • MB 아카데미 - SfK 6 18일에 Post BMT 세션을 가졌습니다. BMT 수료생들이 서로 간에 친밀하게 교제하는 것이  기쁨입니다.
  • MB 펀드 - SfK 중앙아시아에 있는 나라에서 활동하는 선교기업 밀접하게 협력하여서 SfK 투자를 막고 있었던 행정상의 문제점들을 해결하는데 한걸음 다가 섰습니다. 7월에 투자 집행이 이루어질 것으로 예상됩니다할렐루야!
  • MB 펀드 - SfK Korea 지분 구조를 변경하여서 SfK  최대 주주 되었습니다이번 지분구조 변경은 다른 킹덤투자가 한분의 사심없는 협조가 있었기에 가능하였습니다인도하신 주님께 감사를 드립니다.
  • MB 유통 - MB 유통 – SfK 전자상거래 플랫폼인 Shop4Impact.com  현재 7개국에 소재한 8 선교기업과 합력하고 있는데 이번에 세번째 동영상 제작하였습니다여기 클릭하시면 동영상을 보실  있습니다가족  친구들과 널리 공유해 주심으로써 킹덤 임팩트가 확장되도록 협조 부탁드립니다.
  • MB 공동체 - SfK MB 공동체의 일원이   있는 선발기준을 새로 선정하여 점진적으로 실시하고 있습니다 과정이 선교기업들을 건덕하는 방식으로 이루어지도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.
다가올 일정
1.MB 아카데미SfK 8 13일부터 BMT 2022 한국어 트랙 시작합니다관련된 포스터를 첨부합니다신청서는 7 31일까지 받습니다뉴스레터에 포함된 QR 코드를 스캔하셔서 신청서를 작성해 주시기 바랍니다최종 참가자는 7 31 후에 바로 공지해 드리겠습니다 훈련 프로그램이 하나님 나라 사역을 위하여  필요한 분들을 효과적으로 섬길  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다


2. MB 아카데미 – SfK 오는 7 16일에 Post BMT 세션 선한 청지기의 재정관리라는 주제로 가지게 됩니다 세미나를 통해 BAMer들이 돈에 대한 올바른 태도와 하나님의 선한 청지기로서 책임있는 삶을 살아가는데 필요한 강한 의지를 적용할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.  

3. MB 아카데미 – SfK 8월에 개최될 Mission Naga 2022 참여합니다. SfK 온라인으로 BAM 주제로  강의를 하게 됩니다 세미나를 통해 인도 나가지방에 있는 청년들이 감명과 도전을 받아 BAM 통해 하나님 나라 사역을 감당할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

4. MB 아카데미 – SfK  8월에 라오스캄보디아베트남  나라에 소재한 선교기업들을 방문하는 첫번째 BAM 필드 트립 가지게 됩니다방문하는 참가자들과 선교기업가들 공히 격려를 받고 감명을 받을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다

5. MB 공동체 – SfK  중앙아시아에 있는 나라에서 개최되는 요셉프로젝트 써밋 참여합니다요셉프로젝트는 현지 목회자들이 자립을 통해 후원에 의존하지 않고 사역을 감당할  있도록 지원하는 프로젝트입니다이번 모임을 통해 모든 참가자들이 하나님의 역사하심을 체험할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

6. SfK 네트워크 – SfK Life 8월에 온라인으로 이사회를 개최하고 SfK Korea역시 8월에 대면 이사회를 개최합니다 이사회 모두 이사들이 회의로 만날 때마다 새로운 정신과 각오로 임할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교기업들을 훈련시키고 그들의 역량을 강화하는 사역에 기도와 후원으로 함께 동역해 주셔서 깊은 감사를 드립니다.

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선하시고 신실하신 우리 주님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하사 여러분 주위와 세계에 흩어진 많은 소외된 자들에게 엄청난 복의 근원이 되시기를 간절히 기도합니다.

Please consider partnering with SfK to support missional businesses.