SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Newsletter - January 2019

SfK Ministries Newsletter
- JANUARY 2019 -

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19) 
Happy New Year! A new year symbolizes a fresh new start and optimistic outlook on the next 12 months of the year.  One goal SfK continues to strive for is expanding the Kingdom of God through supporting and equipping BAM businesses.  SfK is continuing to seek God's provision in expanding to difficult and unreached places around the globe.  We have travelled to and looking to reach areas in Central Asia. This area of the world is particularly hostile to the Gospel message.  An article that we came across on the Business As Mission website clearly illustrates the obstacles BAM businesses endure in these difficult countries.  As you read the article, prayerfully engage by interceding for BAM businesses within this region.   
Article reproduced from www.businessasmission blog
March 29, 2016

The challenges to doing business here are many. The market is small and corruption is massive. There is a deficit of qualified professionals in the employee pool. This means that you need to fully train whoever you hire, knowing that when they have marketable skills, they will be seeking to emigrate to a country for a “better life”.

Inflation is another significant risk factor for business, as well as sudden bouts of devaluation which can be disastrous when supplies are purchased in dollars but customers are paying in local currency. Corruption and lawlessness are rampant in government institutions and there is an underdeveloped legal framework for doing business. We openly declare our position against corruption and this is a plus and a minus. We have no sense of protection from the government here, and there is constant pressure. One of the most threatening developments has been the more recent rise here in Islamic radicalism.
Ministry Updates 
  1. Trip to the U.S. - As always, God is faithful and provides to meet all your needs. SfK's trip to the U.S. in November and December was fruitful in many aspects. Praise the Lord! Please pray that SfK will remain aligned with His will and purpose.  
  2. KSGA, LLP, a professional tax firmand Steven Kang, the Managing Partner at KSGA have agreed to partner with SfK Ministries.  We are excited for the prospects of partnering with Mr. Kang and KSGA in the coming months.  Praise the Lord!
    Please pray that this new partnership will grow stronger over time. 
  3. Trip to El Salvador - SfK made an exploratory trip to El Salvador with a few BAM practitioners. Please pray that this gathering will bear fruit that is pleasing to God's eyes. 
  4. SfK Korea held its regular board meeting on December 17th. Please pray that all board members remain focused on the calling for His Kingdom in 2019. 
  5. SfK has established a partnership with a company that will spearhead SfK's missional business trading activities. It has secured a domain name, Shop4Impact, to promote the products of transforming missional businesses through e-commerce. Please pray that this initiative will be rooted firmly and ready to grow in 2019. 
  6. SfK made a loan to a missional business in Thailand through its MRI (Mission Related Investment) Fund in the U.S. Please pray that this Kingdom investment will be effective in empowering the missional business.
  7. SfK has decided on its e-Learning platform. Praise the Lord! we plan to pilot test for a few months before its formal launch during Q1 2019. Please pray that this will help deepen SfK's endeavor in equipping missional businesses. 
Upcoming Events & Prayer Requests
  • SfK has established its Business Focus in 2019Please pray that these plans will be subject to God's grace and guidance.  
  • Jan. 14-25, 2019: MBA BCT in Phnom Penh Please pray that the trainers and trainees will grow deeper in understanding God's will and calling in business to be ready for the spiritual war in the business world. 
  • Feb. 2019: SfK Life and SfK Korea will hold their joint board meetings in Bangkok, Thailand. Please pray that both board members will experience God's presence in their midst and develop unity to achieve synergy for the Kingdom of God through collaboration. 
  • SfK has begun its initiative in developing the MB Trading platform by forming a task force. Please pray that the task force will learn to work together and experience the joy of serving the King through collaboration. 
  • Jan. 2019: BCT to be held in Phnom Penh. SfK will hold its MBA BCT in various places as follows:
    • April - Central Asia #1
    • July - Arusha, Tanzania
    • August - Kathmandu, Nepal
    • October - Chiang Mai, Thailand
    • If you are interested in taking part in this intensive two-week training program, please contact info@sfklife.org for more details. This SfK MBA BCT is a prerequisite to be eligible for membership in the SfK MB Community. 
May God bless you abundantly so that you may become greater blessing to people in need around you and around the world.
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