Happy New Year! A new year symbolizes a fresh new start and optimistic outlook on the next 12 months of the year. One goal SfK continues to strive for is expanding the Kingdom of God through supporting and equipping BAM businesses. SfK is continuing to seek God's provision in expanding to difficult and unreached places around the globe. We have travelled to and looking to reach areas in Central Asia. This area of the world is particularly hostile to the Gospel message. An article that we came across on the Business As Mission website clearly illustrates the obstacles BAM businesses endure in these difficult countries. As you read the article, prayerfully engage by interceding for BAM businesses within this region.
Article reproduced from www.businessasmission blog March 29, 2016
The challenges to doing business here are many. The market is small and corruption is massive. There is a deficit of qualified professionals in the employee pool. This means that you need to fully train whoever you hire, knowing that when they have marketable skills, they will be seeking to emigrate to a country for a “better life”.
Inflation is another significant risk factor for business, as well as sudden bouts of devaluation which can be disastrous when supplies are purchased in dollars but customers are paying in local currency. Corruption and lawlessness are rampant in government institutions and there is an underdeveloped legal framework for doing business. We openly declare our position against corruption and this is a plus and a minus. We have no sense of protection from the government here, and there is constant pressure. One of the most threatening developments has been the more recent rise here in Islamic radicalism.
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