SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Sunday, January 10, 2021

SfK 뉴스 레터 - 2021년 1월호


Synergy for the Kingdom
이사야 43:19
보라 내가  일을 행하리니 이제 나타낼 것이라 너희가 그것을 알지 못하겠느냐 반드시 내가 광야에 길을 사막에 강을 내리니 
Happy New Year! As we welcome 2021, let us look forward to God's providence and provision this year. The article below discusses BAM's transformative role in faith based entrepreneurship. We, at SfK, believe God's transformative power can permeate through communities through BAM businesses and operations. 

The Transformative Role of Enterprise
Article was featured on the Faith Driven Entrepreneur website
by Reuben Coulter

We believe that Faith Driven Entrepreneurs and Investors can create transformation in four main ways; Wealth and Job Creation, Innovation, Evangelism, and Discipleship and Cultural Transformation. The calling and gifts of the business leader are complementary to those of those of the minister and where possible should work in partnership together.

1. Business can create jobs and wealth

Two thirds of the world’s population live in poverty. Over 600 million new jobs will need to be created globally by 2030. Rapidly growing populations means that youth are often unemployed and without a future. Small & medium enterprises (with annual turnover from $100,000 to $50m) create more than 90% of formal employment opportunities in frontier and emerging markets, making them an essential part of every economy and an important lever for social and environmental impact. 

2. Business can provide innovative solutions to the world’s needs

Yesterday’s solutions can’t solve today's problems. Innovation and technology can help tackle complex problems and enable nations to leapfrog forward. Entrepreneurs are the forward-thinkers the global economy needs. They look at technology as an opportunity to move forward in leaps and bounds.. In doing so, this type of innovation can create new markets and generate inclusive prosperity.

3. Business can reach the unreached

32% of the world claim to be Christians, but over 7,000 people groups have never heard of Christ. Evangelism is restricted in many countries and Christians are often persecuted. Other faiths like Islam are growing rapidly especially among youth. Faith-driven entrepreneurs can go to places where traditional missionaries can’t, and they can build meaningful relationships with and witness to their employees, customers, and suppliers. 

4. Business can disciple leaders and transform culture

Too often people have a ‘Sunday only’ faith which is divorced from the daily reality of making ends meet. This disjointed faith turns a blind eye to corruption or promotes a prosperity gospel which focuses on personal enrichment. Faith-Driven Businesses can nurture their employees in their faith and disciple them to live Christ-like lives. In turn, these businesses and leaders will affect change in every aspect of society.

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  • 캄보디아 스럴란망고 2번째 제조 공장시설 증설공사를 시작했습니다 사업은 2021  4  완공 예정입니다 공장 증설이 끝나면 캄보디아 직원 22 명을 추가로 고용하게  것이며 현재  생산 능력 20  수준이 완공  연간 50 톤으로 증가하게 됩니다공사가 순조롭게 진행될  있도록 기도해주시기 바랍니다.

  • 미국 Joybells America 리더십에 변화가 진행 중입니다 변화가 마케팅 활동의  필요한 확장에 다시 초점을 맞출  있도록 기도해주시기 바랍니다.

  • SfK MB Academy "Post BMT" (기업가 기초훈련 후속 프로그램라는 2번째 온라인 훈련 프로그램을 시작합니다 프로그램은 2021  1 월부터 한국어로 처음 소개되며 BMT(기업가 기초훈련졸업자에게만 제공됩니다선택한 주제에 대해  달에  번씩 화상회의로 진행될 예정입니다 훈련 프로그램이 선교 사업가들을 지속적으로 훈련하는데 유익하게 사용되도록 기도해주시기 바랍니다.

  •  세계 대부분의 기업과 마찬가지로 SfK 멤버들  다수는 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 (코로나 19)  타격을 입었지만 인내심을 가지고 계속해서 싸우고 있습니다그런 와중에서도 일부 멤버는 창의적인 돌파구를 찾아내 악독한 바이러스와의 싸움 중에 오히려 성장을 기록하기도 하였습니다예를 들어말레이시아의 SfK MB 공동체 멤버인 Earth Heir 공정 거래 (Fair Trade) 인증을 받아서 난민이 만든 개인 보호 장비 (PPE) 만들어 공급  판매 하는데 집중하여 말레이시아를 넘어 광범위한 지원과 인정을 받았습니다모든 선교기업들이 직면한 만만치 않은 도전 속에서 혁신적인 돌파구를 만들  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

  • SfK Network 전략적 파트적인 Hesed Group 2021  그룹 회원사 사업 계획들을 검토했습니다코로나 19 지속적인 위협 속에서도 모든 구성원이 혁신적인 해결책을 추구하며 앞으로 나아가기로 결단했습니다2021 년에 하나님 께서 의로운 오른손으로 모든 지도자를 붙잡아 주시도록 기도해주십시오.

 다가오는 일정
  1. SfK MB Academy 온라인 훈련프로그램인 BMT 2021 8월에 두번째로 개최  계획입니다관심이 있는 분들에게 홍보해 주시고 앞으로 온라인 훈련 플랫폼이  많은 관심을   있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

  2. Hesed Cambodia 유아식 제품 생산 가능성을 모색하고 있습니다이러한 노력이 결실을 맺도록 기도해주십시오.

  3. 한국 Joybells Investment 다른 기독교 단체와 공동으로 크라우드 펀딩 법인을 설립하여 국내외 사회적  선교적 기업을  지원하기 위한 자금 조달 메커니즘을 구축하고 있습니다SfK Korea  벤처에 투자를 결정했습니다 협력이 창의적인 방법으로 하나님 나라를 발전시키는  도움이 되도록 기도해주십시오.

  4. SfK Network 인도케냐필리핀에 있는 다수의 농업 기업과 협력을 모색하고 있습니다.  협력을 통해 하나님 나라를 더욱 발전시킬 열매를 맺도록 기도해주십시오.

  5. SfK Network 1  30  SfK Life 이사회에 제출할 3 개년 전략 계획 (2021-2023) 마무리하고 있습니다 계획이 하나님의 나라를 위해 의식적인 의도를 하나님 나라 사역을 위해 효과적으로 헌신하여 시현할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교 사업체들을 훈련하고 역량강화하는 저희 SfK사역을 위해 신실한 기도와 후원으로 함께 동역해주셔서 감사합니다.

.   .   .

선하시고 의로우신 주님이 지속되고있는 코로나 19 어려움 속에서도 충만하게 축복하셔서 여러분 주변 이웃과  세계에 흩어져 있는 많은 소외된 자들에게  복의 통로가 되시길 기도합니다

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