SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Friday, February 10, 2023

SfK 뉴스레터 - 2023년 2월호


예레미야 29:13

"너희가  마음으로 나를 구하면 나를
찾을 것이요 나를 만나리라."

지난 2 6튀르키에와 시리아에 강도 7.8 강진이 있었습니다 뉴스레터가 발행되는 시점에 이미 2만명이상이 사망했다고 발표되었습니다아래 글은  지역에서 재해를 당한 많은 이재민들을 위하여 먼저 하나님의 긍휼을 구하는 중보기도하는 일과 그들을 도와야 하는 긴급한 메시지를 담고 있습니다.

Turkish and Syrian Christians Rally Earthquake Relief
Local Christians were among the first responders to the massive earthquake in Turkey and Syria that left more than 5,000 people dead and more than 20,000 injured. They just don’t know how to make sense of it.

“God have mercy on us, Christ have mercy,” said Gokhan Talas, founder of the evangelical Miras Publishing Ministry in Istanbul. “This is our only spiritual reflection right now.”

His first instinct was to go. But as reports came in of deep snowfall and damaged roads, he shifted gears. His wife stayed up all night making phone calls to believers in Malatya, trying to coordinate aid. And with members of his church and Protestant congregations throughout Turkey, they bought blankets, medicines, baby formula, and diapers to send onward to the afflicted areas.

“From this side of eternity, nothing is clear,” Talas said. “But our sweet Lord is suffering with us.”

He warned of scams preying on the outpouring of generosity from around the world, even among the small Turkish evangelical community of roughly 10,000 believers.

Their own supplies are being donated through İlk Umut Derneği—in English, First Hope Association (FHA), a Turkish Protestant NGO working closely with the local Red Crescent and AFAD, Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority.

Officials said more than 5,000 buildings have been destroyed by the 7.8 magnitude quake. More than 13,000 search and rescue personnel have been deployed, supplying 41,000 tents, 100,000 beds, and 300,000 blankets. Almost 8,000 people have been rescued so far.

This includes pastor Mehmet and his wife Deniz in Malatya, longtime friends of Talas, who spent half the day freezing under the rubble until neighbors succeeded in pulling them out.

Founded in 2014 to assist the refugee flood from Syria, FHA works “shoulder-to-shoulder” with the Association of Protestant Churches, said Demokan Kileci, chairman of the FHA board.

Conveying the first batches of aid in a solid 4x4 vehicle, it took him 14 hours—double the standard time—to drive 440 miles southeast from his home in Turkey’s capital Ankara to Gaziantep, a scant 20 miles south of the epicenter.

One of FHA’s five mobile hygiene units—and a mobile bakery—stayed there. Another two were dispatched to Antakya, the ancient biblical Antioch, and a fourth sent to Kahramanmaras, site of a 7.5 magnitude aftershock.

The fifth went to Diyarbakir, another 200 miles east. Overall, 10 Turkish cities suffered devastation. With Syrian cities included, the distance covered is greater than an imagined epicenter in New York City destroying the eastern seaboard from Boston to Washington, DC.

“We are doing whatever we can to help our country,” said Kileci. “And right now, prayer is the most important.”

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  • SfK 네트워크 – SfK 2023 사업계획서 준비하였고 3개년 전략계획 업데이트하였습니다. 2 SfK Life 이사회에서 검토가 이루어지고 승인을 받게 됩니다.
다가오는 일정
12023 2: MB 아카데미 – SfK MB 커뮤니티 멤버와 SfK 사역방향과 조율이 맞추어진 BAM 실천가들을 위하여 지속적으로 진행될 새로운 훈련프로그램 MB Connect 실시합니다.  프로그램이 하나님 나라를 위하여  Force   있는 선교기업가들을 훈련시킬  있게 고안되고 실시될  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

2. MB 아카데미 – SfK 기존에 실시해 오고 있는 온라인 훈련프로그램인 BMT 확장하여 창업가를 위한 모듈 (Entrepreneurship Module) 2023 상반기에 개발 실시 계획입니다. 저희의 노력이 하나님께서 기뻐하실 열매를 맺을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

3. MB 펀드 – SfK 여러 투자자들과 선교기업에 대한 투자역량을 강화할 목적 가지고 합력하는 기회를 타진하고 있습니다이런 노력이 하나님의 은총을 입어 경건한 열매를 맺을  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

4MB 서비스 – 새로 도입되는 SfK 플랫폼인 MB 서비스에서 Mentor Force 설립하고 있는데 SfK Korea 이사로 섬기시는 홍은표 박사께서 리드해 주시겠습니다. Mentor Force SfK MB 커뮤니티의 멤버들을 격려하고 역량을 강화하기 위한 멘토들의 모임입니다홍박사께서  일을 추진해 가는 과정에서 하나님의 인도하심을 찾아가시도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.

5. SfK 네트워크 – SfK Life SfK Korea 2 중에 각각 이사회를 개최합니다 이사회 멤버 모두가 다루게  모든 중요한 사안을 우리 주님이 기뻐하실 방법으로 검토하고 의사 결정할  있도록 기도해 주시기 바랍니다.  

아시아와 아프리카에 있는 선교기업을 훈련하고 역량을 화하는 SfK 사역을 위해

기도와 후원으로 함께 해주신 여러분께 진심으로 감사를 드립니다.
.   .   .

우리 주님께서 여러분을 풍성하게 축복하시사 여러분 주변 세계에 흩어진 소외된 ,

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