SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Thursday, October 10, 2024

SfK October 2024 Newsletter


Psalms 145:18

"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." 


From Rock Bottom to Renewal: A Story of Faith and Redemption/ Bryan Crouch
By The Stone Table, July 22, 2024 Issue, Faith and Work, Resources, Videos


I’ll go back to Philippians 4:6-7: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace.”

So that means, basically, the more time you spend with God, the more peace you’re going to feel. When you can’t pay the bills, when a spouse leaves you, when all these crazy things happen in your life—you’ll have a peace that goes beyond understanding. What does that mean? It’s a peace that doesn’t make sense. It’s just a peace that doesn’t make sense.

These are the things I love witnessing to people in the workplace about. Whenever they ask about my diabetes or say, “Hey, tell me a little bit about yourself,” I’m like, “Glad you asked!”

Like I said, the first 44 years of my life I spent for Brian; the next 44 years, I’m going to spend for Him. He’s all mine, man, and I’m all His—and both, I guess.

But you know, I don’t think we realize in the marketplace how powerfully we can be used when we have Jesus inside of us. I really don’t think we comprehend that the Spirit of God literally lives inside of us. And what does that mean? If we put Him first and think from that identity—think from victory, not from a victim’s mentality—that’s where the devil wants you. He wants you to feel like a loser, to feel like you’re not enough. But you are enough. God made you. He lives inside of you, and He wants to use you. I want to be used by Him.

Then there’s unconditional love, which is kind of the hardest one. We all have clients, right? You know, there are some of those—when the phone rings, you’re like, “Ugh…” I work in IT, man, trust me, there are tons of them! There are great ones, and there are not-so-great ones, but we need to love people the same way that Jesus loved people. I try to think, where would Jesus be today, with all the crazy stuff going on in society? That’s one reason people hated Him. He was in places where He “shouldn’t have been.”

I feel like a lot of churches and ministries today are “fishing in an aquarium.” We’re saving people that have already been saved. We’re preaching to people who—I’ll be honest—don’t really need it. I mean, everybody needs it, but you know what I’m saying. We’re not reaching the lost. We’re not going out. This is a broken world, and I feel like the workers are very few, and the harvest is plentiful. In the workplace, we have a responsibility—not to go out with an end-is-near sign—but to just live your life in a way where people look at you and say, “There’s something different about that person. What is it?” And whenever they ask, you can say, “Glad you asked!”

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  • MB Academy - SfK continued holding its online BAMer training program BMT 2024 conducting six lectures, thanks to God's grace.
  • MB Academy - SfK held its MB Connect session on September 19. Team 4 shared their presentations with the participating members.
  • MB Community - SfK MB Community admitted a new member who is operating in an important Central Asian nation serving people with health care products and services. He plans to expand into all nations in Central Asia. 
    Please pray that this new relationship will grow deeper as time goes on.
  • SfK Network The Fourth Lausanne Congress ended. In the process, there have been controversies on some issues, but I trust that God Almighty will continue to advance His Kingdom on earth through and in the midst of human errors and mistakes. 
1. MB Academy - SfK will continue its BMT 2024 conducting a total of eight lectures primarily on Operations and Accounting/Finance modules Please pray that all participants and BMT staff will benefit from this online training program until the end.

2. October 17, 2024: MB Academy - SfK will hold its MB Connect sessionFor this session, Missionary Min-Young Jung, one of SfK's advisors, will give us a lecture and lead the discussion on "BAMer and Spirituality" Please pray that the session will enrich all participants spiritually. 

3. November 4-9, 2024: MB Academy - SfK will hold its BAM Field Trip 2024. A total of eight people will take part in this trip to equip and empower missional entrepreneurs in one of the Southeast Asian nations with restricted access to the gospel. Please pray the preparation will be made as if serving the Lord and the trip will be mutually beneficial. 

4. November 2024: MB Community - SfK plans to visit another country in Southeast Asia in November to explore the entry into this country also with restricted access to the gospel. Please pray that this exploring opportunity will bear fruit that is pleasing to the Lord.

5. SfK Network -  SfK Korea will hold an in-person board meeting while SfK Life will hold an online board meeting. Please pray all meetings will be productive in paving the way for the ministry and edifying all members. 

6. October 2024 and November 2024: SfK Network - SfK will explore establishing a strategic partnership with a few entities in October and November. Please pray that these endeavors will be made in a way that honors our Lord.
Thank you for standing with us through your prayer and financial support in our ministries of equipping and empowering missional businesses in Asia and Africa. 

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May the good and faithful Lord bless you richly so that you may become a greater blessing to people in need around you and the world!
Please consider partnering with SfK to support missional businesses.
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한국에서 도네이션 하실 분은 아래 정보를 이용하시기 바랍니다.SFK Ministries 후원계좌KB국민은행계좌번호 264401-04-384976예금주 ㅡ 위디선교회이체메모: SFK 후원

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