SfK Ministries

SfK Ministries

Monday, February 10, 2020

Newsletter - February 2020

SfK February 2020 Newsletter

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
(Proverbs 19:21)

Understanding God’s ‘Calling’ to Us in Life and Work

Os Guinness
January 15, 2020
What do I mean by “calling”? For the moment let me say simply that calling is the truth that God calls us to himself so decisively that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is invested with a special devotion and dynamism lived out as a response to his summons and service.
This truth—calling—has been a driving force in many of the greatest “leaps forward” in world history—the constitution of the Jewish nation at Mount Sinai, the birth of the Christian movement in Galilee, and the 16th century Reformation and its incalculable impetus to the rise of the modern world, to name a few. Little wonder that the rediscovery of calling should be critical today, not least in satisfying the passion for purpose of millions of questing modern people.

In short, calling in the Bible is a central and dynamic theme that becomes a metaphor for the life of faith itself. To limit the word, as some insist, to a few texts and to a particular stage in salvation is to miss the forest for the trees. To be a disciple of  Jesus is to be a “called one” and so to become “a follower of the Way.”
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Ministry Updates
1. Updates on www.sfkministries.org - Thanks to Kathy Cho, SfK Director of Marketing, SfK's websites have been updated. Kudos to you, Kathy!

2. Hesed Global is engaged with buying a bulk of return items from the largest e-commerce company in Korea and re-selling the products in smaller bulk in order to achieve its operational sustainability. Please pray that this activity will help the company reach the break-even point sooner rather than later. 

3. With an additional capital injection in conjunction with the incorporation, Srolan Mango in Cambodia has built its 2nd factory. This factory is working well, producing quality dried mango products. We praise the Lord!

4. Hesed Cambodia is accelerating the completion of its palm sugar manufacturing plant. Upon completion, it will significantly increase the production capacity. Please pray that all concerned people will experience God's grace during the process.

5. Joybells America, in cooperation with Cconma USA, launched its on-line platform: SeoulMills.com. From this website, people in the U.S. can buy Korean products online. Please check it out at www.seoulmills.comPlease pray that this platform will expand to promote many products for missional businesses within the SfK MB Community.

6. SfK MB Academy has launched its first video training session under the SfK E-Learning program. It is now available to members of the SfK Missional Business Community. Please contact Jane at info@sfklife.org if you are interested in taking this E-Learning lesson.

Upcoming Events & Prayer Requests
  • Sri Lanka, February 2020 - SfK will embark on an exploratory journey to several cities in Sri Lanka.
    Please pray that SfK will discern God's will in this Buddhist nation. 
  • Kathmandu, Nepal and a South Asia nation, February, 2020 - SfK will launch its first two session of Focused Training under SfK MB Academy.
    Please pray that the week-long FT in each country will be beneficial to two prospective missional businesses. 
  • Tbilisi, Georgia, February 2020 - SfK will discuss with a graduate of SfK MBA Boot Camp Training to design a road map to starting a missional business in the Caucasus region.
    Please pray that the meeting will be fruitful.
  • Madrid, Spain, February 2020 - SfK will visit with an SfK Kingdom Fellow to explore the possibility of formalizing a trade representative relationship to expand the SfK MB Trading activities in Europe.
    Please pray that the meeting and discussion will bear useful fruits. 
  • Arusha, Tanzania, March 2020 - SfK Tanzania plans to conduct the second mini MBA training for Vineyard Church pastors.
    Please pray that this training will help equip the pastors to run effective missional businesses. 
  • Cairo, Egypt, April 2020 - SfK will meet with a graduate of SfK MBA Boot Camp Training to solidify the business plan for a new business that was started in 2019.
    Please pray that we will draw the wisdom from God during the meetings. 
  • Jomtien, Thailand, April 2020 - SfK will attend the Freedom Business Alliance (FBA) Forum to meet with and coach faith-based freedom business entrepreneurs to explore the possibility of serving together. Please pray that we may be able to see the ways that the Lord is opening up. Please click here to register for this event to learn more about what God is doing through the freedom warriors. https://www.freedombusinessalliance.com/forum/
  • Jomtien, Thailand, April/May 2020 - SfK will take part in the BAM Congress 2020 held seven years after the previous one in 2013. Please pray that this gathering will celebrate God for what He has done for His Kingdom and also encourage all participants to seek synergy for the Kingdom of God through intentional collaboration. Please click here to register for this important and meaningful gathering for BAMers around the world. https://bamglobal.org/congress/ 
Thank you for standing with us through prayer and support in equipping and empowering missional businesses in Asia and Africa.


May God bless you abundantly so that you may become a greater blessing to people in need near you and around the world!
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